In an era of unprecedented biodiversity crisis, the scientific community has discovered genetic time travel. Creating "woolly mice" as a preliminary step towards mammoth resurrection is intersection of technological hubris & ecological whimsy, while the real ecological emergency unfolds offstage.
While they were on the skids after the last Ice Age, it was us ravening apes that really did for them. This has had a knock-on effect on the tundra and steppes of Eurasia and North America, which makes Climate Change an even bigger problem. They got done dirty, and deserve a second go.
Unless he’s breeding an army of attack elephants to trample Mar-a-Lago, this appears to be the most flagrant waste of time, energy, and research dollars since they tried to develop bocce balls out of spent uranium.
“…thousands of cities have gone dark, millions are without homes, countless others dead in unstoppable wooly mouse rampage…”
This is nonsense.
And can I adopt one them?
Leave this stuff to the Mail online and other rubbish……….