Nobel prize-winner Prof Sir Andre Geim from Manchester University said: "Musk is certainly an eccentric, but his achievements beat those of any of his critics in the Royal Society. Very few can say that they achieved similar in their lives."
The IMPACT (2024) offers a comprehensive view of puzzle coding and its use by anticultists in public terror attacks to create fear and hatred in children and destabilize society
It would seem the Royal Society cannot differentiate between politics and ethics. I agree with Kit Yates, it undermines the very institutions we need to protect because they act under a democracy and fascistic ideation does acknowledge democracy. Its very notion is a cancer on democracy.
He bought himself in. He doesn't have one single acheivment of his own. He's a rich grifter buying his way into the esteemed (previously) establishment.
The Queen lol. He was jailed for REFUSING to pay pax. Tight arsed prick went to jail (could've paid but eefuse AFAIK)to avoid paying for Her Jazzy Hats!
Even beyond the politics, shouldn't the most important thing be the science? They cannot give lip service to protecting against the threat to science when one of their own members IS the threat to science. Hypocrites!
Nobel prize-winner Prof Sir Andre Geim from Manchester University said: "Musk is certainly an eccentric, but his achievements beat those of any of his critics in the Royal Society. Very few can say that they achieved similar in their lives."
Harvard gave Elizabeth Holmes a place on their medical board. She received multiple awards, feted by the media & the White House. Was valued at $9 billion. Everyone who worked for her covered up for her.
She was a complete fraud. All kinds of ppl are easily taken in by shameless lying narcissists.
Perhaps Kit Yates and other ethical scientists should start an Alt Royal Society like the Alt National Park Service in the US.
Elon Musk certainly fits the definitionof an unethical scientist.
The blueprint is Russian oligarchy: In the 1990s, Russia’s most profitable organisations were dismantled and taken over by tycoons able to take advantage of an increasingly compromised privatisation process and seize control of hugely profitable state enterprises
It is decades of basic research that Tesla and Spacex have built their products on, being able to commercialize them. The ketamine-fueled weasel is a funder and shareholder, nothing more. His contributions to science are zero and he clearly knows it.
A Hollow Odyssey
Into Conflict Without Meaning
It’s what these people do and make themselves very rich indeed.
I bought my SCOTVEC from a fellow of Scottish Vocational Cooncil....
I get that NICENESS is baked into our souls but it is TIME TO SHATTER THAT CASSEROLE DISH NOW!
Un-fuck yourselves, gird your loins, and fight like there is NO tomorrow, because we cannot afford your niceness!!!!
Play like a Republican, throw down, arm yourself and fucking FIGHT!!!!!!!!
She was a complete fraud. All kinds of ppl are easily taken in by shameless lying narcissists.
1000 Nazi Royal Society members.
Elon Musk certainly fits the definitionof an unethical scientist.