I do it regularly. Was really sad because I had a lovely meal that I couldn't finish the other day but as I was away from home for a couple of days I had to leave it.
Happy to see I’m not the only poor who doesn’t throw good food away. Also, is it true that fine dining restaurants in America really serve bigger portions???
My hack is to bring my own containers for my leftovers! Nothing like ordering more than we can eat, packing it away and have the server come by confused about where all the food went!
I have absolutely no issue asking for a doggie bag, the issue is we’re normally out for drinks afterwards. Just isn’t practical unless you’re going home after eating out, which is very rare. Maybe long lunches at local places
Last time, an Ubereats guy took our bag with leftovers. Didn't even check what he was supposed to pick up. Owner blamed me! He put the bag on the bar, not me! The restaurant then insisted on RECREATING the exact dishes in leftover quantities! Took 45 minutes. Needless to say, never been back.
Waste not, want not. Steak omelette for breakfast and gravy over French fries for dinner. Or diced steak and gravy over rice for lunch. I earn $16 an hour, I would not be able to afford to eat if I threw away perfectly good food.
Depends on how well the food reheats. I'll definitely box up pizza or spaghetti for the next day, but that's about it. When our old dog was still with us, we regularly saved and took home little morsels to entice him to eat. And my favorite Mexican meal is so huge it makes two hearty meals.
Meanwhile the only time a doggy bag went wrong at our house was when it was too warm out and sone of the food (predictably) went bad faster than if it had been a winters day. Usually fine if the car is cool.
Odd to think people don't bring food home, seems like a treat to have leftovers.
I've never had a problem in Indian and other similar type restaurants. They're only too happy to package it up for you and put it in a nice paper bag with the name of their resto on the side.
Im going to create a service that picks up and delivers your restaurant leftovers to help you avoid the shame, inconvenience & “poor vibe” feelings. I will charge you $25 + mileage & $10 of each delivery will go to food shelters.
We always take our leftovers home. Once we even asked to take the chicken bones left over after an evening of wings to make chicken broth. I've got a notoriously small appetite. I remember one dinner out that I ate leftovers for three more meals afterwards.
I take leftovers every time I eat out. You’re not supposed to waste food. I didn’t know a waiter bringing a box to your table was something to be ashamed of.
It's not. People are ALL judgmental assholes. That doesn't mean hate all people lol, but it does mean everyone has an opinion about something. Especially these days.
Every aspect of our daily lives commoditised. Drained like disposable batteries at any cost merely to prop up the artificial status of pathologically greedy billionaires. Food waste ranks among the lowest status imaginable. Our most precious resource tossed in the bin while hunger grips children.
Canadian here. Most restaurant portions here are offputingly large. As a senior, I don't eat as much as I used to. Not only do I take the left overs home, I bring my own reusable containers to put the food in. I don't care what that looks like. I'm paying for it; why should I waste it?
Ended up eating it myself!
Those same people: food is so expensive!
Meanwhile the only time a doggy bag went wrong at our house was when it was too warm out and sone of the food (predictably) went bad faster than if it had been a winters day. Usually fine if the car is cool.
Odd to think people don't bring food home, seems like a treat to have leftovers.
(I eat it all)