They jettison their humanity for what? To keep their job in politics? We've collectively elected people who have no principle that they won't abandon at the first sign of difficulty. Hard to imagine we are the descendants of revolutionaries with this level of abject cowardice.
Yeah, and his veto on the sports bill got overridden too, which is maybe why he caved on the likely even more fractious “your child might be assigned to room with a trans person” bill.
Not defending it exactly, but ultimately the case he lays out in the letter is what I’m pointing to here.
Spencer Cox also "cried" publicly for LGBT people in 2016.
I'm assuming you're new to any Utah related politics. Cox's words are hollow. He has been revealing who he is to the outside world more and more every day. Utahns have known since the very beginning.
I agree. Thrown all the purity politics ornpther compromises on the table, it still should not be true that the Gov of Utah made a stronger case against anti-trans activism than anyone in the Democratic national echelon.
As another person said, the entire Democratic party voted last week to defend trans people from discrimination and this entire site consciously refused to acknowledge it while jerking off over a single out of context quote from a Republican.
Not saying I love the guy. He’s a conservative Republican!
I’m saying that if he can mount a logical, compassionate argument along these lines from his position as a straight, white, MORMOM male, it shouldn’t be that hard for any normal Democrat to do so rather than duck or triangulate.
you should at least be clear that messaging is *from 2022*, not 2024. attach dates & context to things so people understand this is not the current position of ANY elected Republican.
Entirely so. Also, see Cox's current stances (yes, sometimes on the graves in Arlington for a photo op with his Nazi hero). His messaging in 2022 was an insincere message totally out of keeping with everything he has done since that time.
even then he was shit, see also him talking about "radical leftist BLM antifa thugs" in the same breath as "J6 rioters" for people who should experience "law and order"
Not gonna lie, Cox was and is not the simple, sincere, aw, shucks quisling he portrayed himself as early on. He's become more openly authoritarian-admiring and emulating daily. His crying tears of hurt at being considered 'mean' dried up in 2022.
lol this having 1/20th as much engagement as the post lavishing praise on a Republican for being akshually more supportive of trans rights than the entire Democratic party
Except that the GOP Utah gov completely reversed this stance and has endorsed discrimination against trans kids, adults and allies. Check his history in 2023, 2024, and 2025 including his immediate signing of HB269 to see his actual takes.
Utah Dems have used the arguments fairly consistently. So far, they have not decided to follow the advice of national consultants and bail on support for trans people. So far.
100% of senate dems voted against the bill to ban trans kids from sports. There’s plenty of dems fighting the good fight. We don’t need to hand it to a fascist that once said something that wasn’t genocidal before changing his mind.
It looks like Erich took the information about Cox as current---probably an honest mistake--and posted the content as valid. Again, an honest enough mistake, and one that many Utahns took as sincere from Cox. In every subsequent year Cox has proven his own lack of a spine and sincerity.
Giving me too much credit. I knew it was old (not all the details on his reversals) but was more focused on establishing that it is both rhetorically and politically possible to message like this and affirmatively support these human rights, not promoting Cox per se. I could have been more direct.
But you can say newsom is shitty while still recognizing that Dems are 100% better across the board on trans rights. There’s definitely tons of examples in action, way better than the shitty Utah Republican that once said something sane
Not defending it exactly, but ultimately the case he lays out in the letter is what I’m pointing to here.
I'm assuming you're new to any Utah related politics. Cox's words are hollow. He has been revealing who he is to the outside world more and more every day. Utahns have known since the very beginning.
I’m saying that if he can mount a logical, compassionate argument along these lines from his position as a straight, white, MORMOM male, it shouldn’t be that hard for any normal Democrat to do so rather than duck or triangulate.