An accused sex trafficker as AG. A confirmed goat- and dog-murderer at DHS. A backup Fox & Friends host running the U.S. Armed Forces.
And a Science of Identity Foundation cultist who flipped from Democratic to MAGA and is a “Russian spy” according to former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) as DNI.
And a Science of Identity Foundation cultist who flipped from Democratic to MAGA and is a “Russian spy” according to former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) as DNI.
Jokers to the right
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you
(Our anthem for the next god awful 4 years)
These people would get outsmarted by a toddler. Not that I'd trust them around a toddler, but you get the idea.
They are infiltrating fun accounts on Insta & threads with their garbage. A food thread gets ‘🤡🍊won’ posts . If you tell them to go away you get locked out for a week.
Amazing even Russian tv admits she is theirs!
"..and a confirmed rapist as president"
..included in the list
Hang on, my friends!
When you put it that way, it almost sounds like we are seriously fucked.
One is threatening violence if anyone opposes dear leader.
Elmo claims Kamala is weak and her new replacement is strong.
Absolute insanity has commenced.
I am surprised he didn’t do that last time.
And his Border Czar is attacking Canada’s border.
That’s why we stopped going in his first term.
Then covid hit and we just never bothered again.
I fear greatly for my liver...
Tfg needs evil people who will do evil things.
Maybe we are wasting our money.
I guess the Black lady wasn’t so bad in retrospect. Welcome to the find out phase of racism and misogyny