This is a dark time. Many of us are grieving and scared. I learned long ago how attractive misplaced anger is—it's easier to lash out at those nearby who share our values than a distant Trumpist monolith we can't seem to wound. I get it. I hope we democracy-lovers can avoid cannibalizing ourselves.
I just don't think it does anyone any good to be pointing fingers and assigning blame.
My advice is to acknowledge this pain, then treat it as real.
Don't think 'its just emotional'.
How to treat isn't my advice. First step is see it's real.
📌 The fix for fear, anger isn’t science or prayer: the fix is a vaccine, not unlike injury or disease do …we *have* First Aid for that, but few have the ease and calm pro-mention of *Conflict* First Aid ⛑️
Are acceptance speeches and concession speeches binding before a candidate is sworn into office?
Yes? No?
Let me know if you know the answer to this question by leaving an comment.
Sharing with the best of intentions.
No, they are not.
That's because all the votes cast, in every state in the union have not been counted yet.
**during his, or the Republicans, first term.
I notice there are no notifications on if my posts are seen or not.
We need big audiences to stay alive.
Maybe include terms like "harm mitigation" and "how do I protect Americans that will suffer if I choose not to vote"
I feel like this may have been our last election.
Like Civil War is brewing.
If you helped bring that along, I no longer see you as my ally.
It really is that simple.
Or find one near you and take part:
1, leave a note saying "keep it, you may want to go to a rally in a couple of years and Chinese goods will be much more expensive
2. Donation in their name to Planned Parenthood. Will probably do that one regardless.
Something we could focus all our angst and energy into, something we could all do, and fight this abomination.
~ Bohemian-born Tom Stoppard, Arcadia
For instance, my sister is a die-hard Trumper. The only reason I need to speak with her is issues related to our mother’s care. Most of it can be via text. I’m going to keep it to a minimum.
THE PEOPLE cry out for an option, for something NEW.
Time for a new American cultural movement to reestablish that it is THE PEOPLE who hold POWER here.
We need a new MESSAGE. We need to find a shared sense of civic purpose.
I have an 💡
I've enjoyed the thought of Gitmo for Trump, but might it not have the desired effect.
Let's leave the cannibalizing to trumpers.
He doesn’t get to steal my joy, too
I grieve for my family, my friends, my country
But I’m not done fighting for better