It will. “Do not give your power to those unworthy of it, for to yield to fools is to diminish yourself, and to bow to tyrants is to strengthen their chains.”
If this is merch than someone should forward one of these to Mr. He coined a phrase which now inspires coins.
It is an ouroboros of 'dumpsterology'...
Which is a word I've coined to describe the study of this vacuous period of tv inspired, advertiser driven politcs... which we, the political consumer, are forced to search for meaning in any of it by digging through the garbage and scouring the dumpster's bottom.
Ŵhich also happens to be on fire.
Republicans are weak. They talk about strength while they demonstrate they don't have the courage of their convictions, a belief in god or the strength to help others.
It is an ouroboros of 'dumpsterology'...
Which is a word I've coined to describe the study of this vacuous period of tv inspired, advertiser driven politcs...
Ŵhich also happens to be on fire.
That‘s stupid on so many levels. It sure sounds like a lame excuse for the dumpster fire of the incoming adminstration.
It just needs to be stronger than the weakest-ass tinpot dictator.
I will not back down.
Thanks for all you do.