Canada has been a great friend and neighbor to America. It’s a wondrous nation—rich in natural beauty and some of the kindest, most talented people anywhere—so when Trump told PM Trudeau to his face, multiple times, that Canada should be America’s “51st state,” it disgraced us. He disgraced America.
Pssst, it's not the Republicans.
Maybe located somewhere in upstate New York rather than the middle east though...
Without some Trump-induced pain - how do MAGA and the uninformed snap out of this?
He really needs to take care of his own house rather than attempting to add a new room.
lettin' y'all know he's nowhere near as fast a runner as james madison and you'll probably want to have a handful of epipens around for funtime so he doesn't croak from a little salting
Pretty sure his button is bigger than Trudeau’s button
Glad that Canada is showing more backbone than the complicit Republicans cowering at the prospects of losing a MAGA primary along with all the
congressional accoutrements such as (pension insurance) plus insider trading
So we can say with confidence that if this is how America wants treat us under Trump we are not afraid. In fact we are pissed.
Our alliances have protected us from the next large scale global conflagration
Putin is just exercising Khrushchev’s premonition that Russia would conquer us without firing a shot.
It’s disheartening 30 million voters didn’t vote in an election decided by 3 million votes
It's embarrassing and repugnant to watch.
He's saying we will attack Canada bc that's Russia's plan. Starting with Russia getting Alaska and their Alaska patches on their uniforms
Williams' response: "I will be there as soon as I can! You have to give me a more specific location, you are a big country. You are the kindest country in the world. You are like a really nice apartment over a meth lab."
I miss him.
Such a bully.
Don’t forget how resolute we are. We were in WWII before you. And we had the integrity to refuse Iraq. We have plenty of faults but lead in principles, courage and collective values. Don’t taunt or dismiss. Respect is the way to go.
The US is the most powerful member of NATO. In such a scenario, it's likely NATO would stand by and watch.
As for the UK, would they want to ruin their "special relationship" with the US to save Canada? Depends on who is their PM at the time, most likely.
Those who voted for him are our country's disgrace!
As for the Magas and most of the Canadian Conservatives, they're a lost cause anyway. They think Russia should resurrect the Soviet Union so N.A. can be part of it.
36% of eligible voters didn’t vote. It must not be overlooked that there is also massive voter suppression in the USA.
Thank you for pointing that out. We all need to do a better job of it.
Happy to see that you remember we did NOT all vote for America's EVIL Hitler!!!
My neighbor did not vote
90 million JACKASS's did NOT vote 😡😡😡😡😡😡
that comes to the surface most tend to underestimate
I am enjoying his inability to currently visit Canada due to being a convicted felon.
But sure....make enemies with Canada. That should go well for him. Lol
Vindictive prick, he is.
He belongs in jail.
World’s largest economy w centuries deep culture. And Tequila.
Fuck off Kansas.
so all those saying that because he hasn't, he won't... are about to see what he hasn't done but will do
World leaders need to stand up to him immediately, and every single time, and put him in his place.
No one should tolerate anything from him.
He has made a reputation and a movement getting his MAGAS to love his insults.
Like all despicable movements in history, there is a shelf...and his will come.
Just assume the dog will bite you and you’ll always be prepared.
He's the Disgracer in Chief.
He's SUCH a tool. Such a very, very dull tool.
Mike Meyers
Waynes World.
Disrespecting our sovereignty might get your WH a little crispy again, MF.
I've lived in the US almost 25 years now, and I cannot, as a Canadian, wrap my head around how all of this has been allowed to happen.
It just boggles the mind!
I always enjoyed seeing Trudeau & Obama together. They were two leaders who love their country & their respective citizens.
Trump is the complete opposite of Obama.
His name means DISGRACE.
And we hope you don't think we're being assholes and taking it out on all our American friends when we retaliate against Trump's tariffs.
It's nothing personal, unless of course your name's Trump or you wear a red ball cap.
50% of America is nothing but illiterates and Trump just brought them out of the woodwork.
Fox, NewsMax and a few other MSM channels need to be held on treason charges and banned before TicTok...
Canada is 😍👍🏻
Canada is one of our best allies. As a citizens' answer to the grave insult to our friends, I say we ask Justin Trudeau to be our president.
Why not? He'd do a lot better for all of us-- not sabotage like Trump!
/okay, okay, Washington, Oregon and California too.
//half kidding
I wish there was some of that wisdom still kicking in the world today. It's disgraceful how far we've fallen.
What happens between consenting adults is no concern of the government or the courts.
But with all due respect Sir, I have a border collie that would make a better President than that asshole Trump.
Personally, I'll continue to support Trudeau until they find someone better.
If the election were tomorrow, I would still vote for the Libs.
But they won't find anyone else as long as he won't leave, and by the time he dies, it will be John Turner in 84 and Kim Campbell in 93 all over again.
This is all part of a Trump plan to interfere and influence the result of the election.
No American president has done this before.
Canadians are insulted and angry 🤬😡 with Trump's arrogance and superiority complex in making diminishing comments about our PM and our beautiful country. Thank you.
We feel sorry for you. What a blight on your nation.
‘What the hell has HE done now?’
He can stay in the US.
We got your six pack, as a good friend of mine *was* fond of saying.
Canada, please invade us and makes us part of Canada!
Take him seriously when he refers to Canada as the 51st State.