The public service announcement no one asked for:
Concord, Massachusetts is pronounced "conquered."
Not because of any accent locals have but because that's just how the name of the town is pronounced. I know because I was born there and grew up in the town next door.
"CON-cord" is wrong. Always.
Concord, Massachusetts is pronounced "conquered."
Not because of any accent locals have but because that's just how the name of the town is pronounced. I know because I was born there and grew up in the town next door.
"CON-cord" is wrong. Always.
In the PNW, we use Sequim, Puyallup, and Willamette for this.
I'm not giving up the local pronunciations. Just gonna snicker when you say "cowch" instead of "cooch".
Concord: Con-kud
Worcester: Wuh-stah
Quincy: Kwin-zee
Fellow Massachsetts residents, please chime in with other pronunciations of more towns. 😉
The armory was in Concord. The first battle was in Lexington. Residents there learned the redcoats were headed to the armory.
Cotuit (/kəˈtuɪt/ kə-TOO-it)
We went to Yah-myth a few times, and Dennis, I think.
But Mass is filled with weirdly pronounced things. The beaches are a mess-
Wingaersheek, Clammers, Scusset, Humarock, Nahant, Nauset, Wallaston, Pegotty...
Then maybe "Wall -Tham!"
Differently than those born there
City in Massachusetts
American pronunciation
Sounds like
wu · str
Thanks. (Newburyport “new-BREE-port” guy here).
French words are the most fun to 'over pronounce'.
And if you don't say lulvill correctly...
Reading : RED-ding
Worcester : WIS-stah
Raynham : RAIN-ham
Dedham : DED-am
Waltham : WALL-tham
Gloucester: GLOS-stah
Leominster : LEMMIN-stah
Ayer : air
Berlin : BERL-in
Norfolk : NOR-fuk
Stoughton : STO'in
South Boston : Southie
And Peabody is never PeaBODY. It's "p-EE-b-AH-d-ee", "PE-buddy", even "Peab'dy".
But never PeaBODY.
Lanc-aster in Pennsylvania
Arab, Alabama is pronounced "AY-RAB."
I know because I grew up on a farm next door. (And it was supposed to be Arad but the post office got the spelling wrong.)
"AIR-ub" is wrong. Always.
Thinking about it makes me weep abt where we're headed.
(shortest version always wins)
- Leominster
- Peobody
- Worcester
- Somerville
- Quincy
CONcord grapes
Conkid New Hampshire
Conquered/conkurd Massachusetts
Gitta love Pilgrims who talk funny and won't share the road. 🚘
My daad had to ‘Pak hes ca in tha havad yawd’
Athol (must include the “th”, else you’ll get the finger)
Medford (Medfaaa)
Peabody (Peee-buddy)
Stoughton (STOH-tin)
Leominster (lemon-stahhh)
It's "Worcester" that's the litmus test to find out who's a local or not.
And "Norfolk" is the final.
Also Peabody?
It should be interesting, as it was brutal living in Peab'dy as a young black child in the 70's. 🫤
But I am SO looking forward to being with my better half, being close to family, snow, Fall, and the Sox. 😁
Collect your prize at the Dunks' down the street.