There’s no god. But I see what you mean. 🦋 Hope the best for California and starting to think that Trump gives a shit about it because it’s a blue state.
Russian sponsored malignant narcissist/dictator wannabe traitor Trump is too woefully arrogant & willfully ignorant to ever admit that SCIENTIFIC FACTS DO ACTUALLY EXIST, and that the world's Science Community knows exponentially more than weak minded, lying, Putin / Big Oil loving ignoramus Trump.
Thanks for the reminder he said this. Science is real. Scientists work for pennies to help society, move us forward and protect us. Something many people who major in, and work in, business have never done. Science isn’t about making money. It’s about the truth, based on the evidence
Trump joins the ranks of a handful of people that I consider truly evil and without redemption. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Putin, Rush Limbaugh & Trump should have to dance on broken glass while being sprayed with vinegar for all eternity. 100% POS all of them.
but the fed are the guys who create the money, ergo they can cancel your money. CA would need to create it's own money which would really piss off the fed big time. like send an army pissed off to stop CA from printing its own currency.
might be fun to see.
Thank you Seth. When these fires are extinguished, the biggest threat to our state wil be the enormously ignorant Trump and his ignoramus regime and following.
We are so screwed yet once again, after we already knew we had an idiot in the White Housewho never gave a damn about anyonebut himself and his grifting. What type of people voted for this guy? Are they really that willfully ignorant?
Dumbass is blame the governor of California how stupid is that shit… only the most stupidest person would say shit like that yes we all know who exactly that dumbass is
He got the most votes but most Americans did not vote for him (millions didn’t vote). Most voters did not even vote for him—there were more than 2 candidates, traitor trump did not get 50% of the votes.
Trump's 2024 raw vote margin was smaller than any popular vote winner since 2000, and the fifth-lowest since 1960 so not most Americans. Just slightly more. Unfortunately.
God will blaze California and many other places, because it is our job to protect this Earth and we don't.
We just elect malicious idiots that are so old, they don't have a future and want to make sure the young don't have future either.
My heart breaks for everyone who is going to suffer because of the horrible place we find ourselves in yet once again.
Many of us tried to educate those around us of the dangers that could happen. It fell on deaf ears. We must find a way to do better.
It's like they took 6 decades of far-right stupidity, distilled it, mixed it with diseased rodent spleens and Hitler's ashes, molded it into a brain, and stuck it in a 400lb lump or orange spoiled blubber and unleashed it.
I live in northern Cali. We had fires 4 out of 5yrs. That f^cker told us we needed to "rake the forest" during his admin. And that That was the solution to us having fires. 😡🤬😡🤬
I’m seeing the “elect a clown, expect a circus” meme everywhere. I don’t have a witty line to finish “elect a toxic moron, get a ???”, because America has certainly elected one of those.
Welcome to the kakistocracy.
We need to start protecting our own state and not subsidize all the other states with no support in times of crisis due to this *sshole’s revenge tour. F*ck this guy!
This was during his last admin. I remember seeing this particular meeting and his idiotic comment. The dumbest guy in the room always thinks he's the smartest.
I know you know this - but it stuns me that his ONLY moves over and over again are: "I don't/you don't/ __ doesn't know"; "we'll see maybe about doing [total bullshit]"; and "I'm [superlative]!"
Reminds me of his "in two weeks the numbers will go down" response to the COVID crisis. A million Americans died, most unnecessarily, thanks to this buffoon. I hesitate to imagine what that could translate to with the consequences of climate change still to come.
I'm amazed California doesn't secede from the Union. The state is woefully underrepresented in Congress, and the Trump administration will be hostile to everything it values.
At first I thought that Vance would be more dangerous than Trump simply for his White Christian Nationalists ties and P2025. But now I'm thinking that MAGA won't worship Vance like they do Trump and that could be an advantage. There's no way Trump's heart lasts 4 years.
Then like two years later he tried to retcon that and say he privately told people he knew it would be bad, and never explained why he publicly said the opposite.
So he asked states to stop counting and reporting covId cases so people wouldn't be alarmed and put pressure on the gov't to do something.
I believe some states are still not counting and reporting covid.
Now there's avian influenza. Are red states being honest about cases?
Does anyone know?
The recent California wildfire has left many without homes and essentials. We're raising funds to support those affected. Please send an email to [email protected] and donate what you can. Every bit helps!
Can you be this dumb and still be alive? My four and a half year old granddaughter has a more logical mind. Example:
I see you're getting a Princess makeover.
Am I beautiful?
You certainly are. Maybe I should get a Princess makeover.
You can't, you're a boy!😂
Pretty sure the results of the 2024 election, and what's to happen next strongly disproves god...that, or we had him all wrong and he's not worth following.
Imagine being such a narcissist that your own opinion precedes any objective fact laid in front of you. You could put a red apple in front of Trump and if he’s feeling lucky he’ll say it’s a green apple. Then he’ll run the country on the apple being green.
Bullshit artists are unconcerned with truth or facts, only what they want & what they can say to get it. Their only reality is whatever they can get away with & convince others to accept. Worse, they think everyone else does this too, so reality bends to the will of whomever is most convincing.
Reading the response here furiously blaming Trump, I think Californians need to be explained how things work. Easy steps.
1. Trump is NOT the President of the USA at this time, he has no powers.
2. Biden is the President of the USA.
3. For last 4 years.
4. Newsom is the Governor of California.
Trump is wrong, the science of "Maunder Minimum" did predict growing Polar Vortexes (which are making winters colder in places that are not California.)
He probably got "it will get colder" from the science of Maunder Minimum, it's not like he just made it up. It's real existing less-known science.
It's embarrassing that Trump will be president. He's an idiot and the whole world knows that except for MAGA people. The world can't believe we elected him again.
We thank all men and women fire 🔥 fighting service members ❤️ We thank incoming service members from other US States. We “thank” President Biden and CA Governor Newsom for both their emergency executive orders. We pray for all CA citizens. We grieve for all who died or were injured. Trump: go to hell
Once again, Trump is using a natural disaster to attack a Democrat state and governor. How is this presidential? Aren't we all Americans? People's lives are at stake & all he can do is use this as a chance to lash out with his vitriol.
It absolutely doesn’t. Just because he was voted president doesn’t mean he is smarter, wiser or a different ….I would like to say human being but 😪, overnight. It may mean we can’t do anything about his stupidity or hold him accountable but it doesn’t transform his stupidity into gold or truth.
Compassion and patience. A lot of people aren’t willing to listen but a lot are. It’s sour work but we need to come together to make a change and we CAN. Midterms are our chance at a first step. Stay positive!
If its not scripted he doesn't know how to reply - he just says shit -
I would love people to drown him out and stop paying attention or give a dam about what he thinks -
That would to me be the best possible response to this idiotic criminal -
If Trump stiffs CA because of some petty childish jealous grievance against Gov Newsome blue states should withhold sending any $ to the federal Government. You know the blue states that help support red states. The blue states that help red states in their disasters. Hold it back.
His foolishness, vindictiveness and narcissism will soon start costing lives, just like they did during COVID. So many people who were too lazy to vote or to take their vote seriously, or who mindlessly wanted to destroy the system because they were angry. This will be their legacy.
If I were ever to meet him that would be my first question “do you know how stupid you are?” and before he could answer, “I’ve met a lot of people and never anyone as stupid as you.”
It did get cooler and it snowed and snowed and snowed. What did Cali do. Not an effing thing. All that melted water ran into the pacific ocean because that Goniff Newsom some didn't build the reservoirs. Fukcing absurd. Wood Burns at 450F+. Which means all those fires were set by democrats.
And the countless other press conferences where the 🍊🤡 gave stupid answers.
Hitler 2.0
might be fun to see.
We just elect malicious idiots that are so old, they don't have a future and want to make sure the young don't have future either.
Many of us tried to educate those around us of the dangers that could happen. It fell on deaf ears. We must find a way to do better.
Welcome to the kakistocracy.
But how about 'Trust a demon, expect hell? ?" About Musk.
And when shown the tape, "It's fake"
What a buffoon!
-- go the fuck away forever
To put it another way: "Please join me over here in dreamland."
That said, all the best to California. Will be wild.
Have you read it???
Read #Project2025 for yourself...
It is what liars do.
And those two are all in for Project 2025.
And, I believe, those two actually read.
Vance was supposed to write the forward upon release of Kevin Robert's newer book.
I don't think it's understood how important it is to read what he's going to try to do, and "on day one."
Also a LYING laughing stock.
I believe some states are still not counting and reporting covid.
Now there's avian influenza. Are red states being honest about cases?
Does anyone know?
The recent California wildfire has left many without homes and essentials. We're raising funds to support those affected. Please send an email to [email protected] and donate what you can. Every bit helps!
can't stand the mfr
I see you're getting a Princess makeover.
Am I beautiful?
You certainly are. Maybe I should get a Princess makeover.
You can't, you're a boy!😂
1. Trump is NOT the President of the USA at this time, he has no powers.
2. Biden is the President of the USA.
3. For last 4 years.
4. Newsom is the Governor of California.
He probably got "it will get colder" from the science of Maunder Minimum, it's not like he just made it up. It's real existing less-known science.
Sadly, it isn't the case today.
“vice president stinky, spell the word ‘SCIENCE’.”
And if he can spell it, I’ll get a lobotomy and join the magas tomorrow.
I would love people to drown him out and stop paying attention or give a dam about what he thinks -
That would to me be the best possible response to this idiotic criminal -
When we fight, we win. AND WE DID
There is nothing better I can say about trump!