What would be the most appropriate title for the new Chuck Schumer book?
I would suggest DECAF or OF MICE AND... MORE MICE.
I would suggest DECAF or OF MICE AND... MORE MICE.
by Chuck Schumer
Trust Me Paradox
Skillful Deception: How to Convince the Uneducated to Go Against Their Own Best Interest
ming to Fascism"
Chuck Schumer: “Ok.”
The Fine Art of Blaming the Other Guy
Term Limits Are for Quitters
Who Needs a Spine When You Have Polls?
Why Gridlock Is Actually Good for My Career
How to Hold a Press Conference About Absolutely Nothing
The Art of the Cave
The Great No spine
Sell Out
The No Voice
It would be a blank book.
Profiles in Cowardice
Crime and Looking the Other Way
Crime and Pardons
(Spoiler, it’s the stick up his ass doing all the work).
The "Pragmatic" Coward, A Legislator's Tale.
How To Lose at Poker, Every Single Time.
Subtitle: In which I shat my pants
The Heart is the Lonely Punter
I don’t understand the leverage he is talking about.
Help me out you #Legal guys please
The story of a man who doesn’t understand he’s not as good at his job as he claims.
By Chuck Schumer.