Yeah but, do YOU know anybody that has died of Polio?
Bc it’s a fake moon landing trick by lizard men to implant chips in us so we believe the world is a sphere (ridiculous) so that when Caucasian, blue eyed Jesus returns he’ll only accept the pure bloods who weren’t replaced! (Missed some?)
You forgot that the lizard 🦎 men live in a vast underground lab beneath the Denver International Airport where the REAL experiments involve chupacabra DNA 🧬 splicing with 5G nanobots.
For the millionth time
"In general, most vaccines do not completely prevent infection but do prevent the infection from spreading within the body and from causing disease."
You should be that diligent in usage. Hell, i've INCREASED my methods of protection because covid can do shit to us even with a mild or asymptomatic infection... The likes of which aren't really comparable to most other infectious diseases. Death isn't always the worst outcome of Covid.
Ya, it's 7:15am here, sun is barely up and i'm about to leave and go do my shopping... Because I won't go into stores once there's a large gathering of people in them. I'm STILL doing what I can to limit potential exposure.
Unfortunately as a mutating virus, it would still be around, but milder, similar to the flu. I think that’s what it will be from now on, a constantly shifting virus there will be a new vaccine for every year.
All viruses are similar. A drift in the virus happens each season, with an occasional bigger shift that causes a widespread illness that can cause people to die even vaccination. Covid is not different.
COVID is different to influenza. Covid will always mutate as there are many hosts. Sadly vaccinated can still get infected if it's a breakthrough case. I only started getting flu vax when Covid hit. Prior to that never bothered.
The problem with viruses is that they continue to attack the host until it dies. In the case of the flu of 1918 and HIV, weakening the immune system until a secondary illness kills the host. This was, indeed, the problem with Covid.
Different vectors of transmission for different diseases. Polio requires contact with bodily fluids; COVID can linger in the air for short periods. (Not as long as measles, though. And since measles can wipe out acquired immunity, definitely get that vaccine.)
Covid is an entirely different beast. When you start looking at the virus structure and functionality comparing covid and polio, you see very obvious differences. Reducing the potential outcome of a covid infection should be high priority for everyone. Each infection can bring about new damage.
The two diseases and the two vaccines aren’t remotely the same The mRNA vaccines work spectacularly well. And just so you know, neither the oral nor the inactivated polio vaccines actually prevent infections-just paralytic disease.
We also probably have more variant and sub-variants of covid in 4yrs of this pandemic, than we had in 4 decades of Polio... Because this virus alters far more effectively and often than Polio. Yet another reason to vax, mask, distance etc to help reduce new variants.
No, because far too many morons refused to take a wildly effective and safe vaccine because they'll show you they have the freedumb to endanger themselves and everyone around them!
Simple, common sense precautions were also just far too imposing for the delicate snowflakes melting down.
Too many ppl refuse to MASK. The vaccine does not stop the spread. Effective masking with N95 masks & avoiding super spreader events & behaviors are effective at stopping the spread.
Per the CDC: The protection against infection tends to be modest and sometimes short-lived, but the vaccines are very effective at protecting against severe illness.
I am vaxxed and was masked with a good seal and still managed to catch it (I was the solitary masker). And I survived the initial infection; however, my concern has always been the potential for post viral sequelae.
I recently posted about the efficacy of one way masking with N95. Even with an N95 there are limits, but better to use one and minimize viral load than not. Also, not every mask fits every face shape, so yes, it is a process to find a mask that fits your face & ensures a good seal.
The key with covid is observing the swiss cheese effect and utilizing a combination of measures to reduce transmission and severity of infection as much as possible. People who get mutliple infections are going to inevitably come to understand the meaning of Fuck Around and Find Out.
People who doubt vaccines are crazy people who promote them as evil crazier still I’ve suffered from side affects of the Covid vaccine but would never say vaccines are bad
JFK’s relation (nephew?) is an anti-vaxxer who’s running for president. His campaign spent $7m on a Super Bowl ad that (very actively) tried to tap into the family brand.
I don't get the post caption tbh... Article urging polio vaccinations is good.. is this supposed to be a dog at the president? Sure could have found something actually damning or is this so called journalist poster an anti vaxer aswell?
I'm guessing I got the Sabin vaccine. I remember standing in line for a sugar cube, at least twice. (It was probably three times but, you know. Memories from when I was three aren't as sharp as the used to be.)
(especially after the crash course we all got during the C-19 pandemic)
then you never would have compared those apples & oranges.
Have you considered
That polio
And Covid
Are different diseases?
Have you thoughts to yourself that
they have differences?
I made my own masks based on a video from the pandemic start. I'm no longer that diligent in usage.
One is relatively stable and was pretty straightforward to vaccinate against.
The other? Incredibly quickly changing and difficult to vaccinate against all of its variants.
Totally different stories and the villain is still a virus in both.
1953 was the first year science has produced both a stable flu vaccine (which is seasonal) and the polio vaccine.
You can tell they both work, because there are literally fewer baby graves in cemeteries every year after.
Bc it’s a fake moon landing trick by lizard men to implant chips in us so we believe the world is a sphere (ridiculous) so that when Caucasian, blue eyed Jesus returns he’ll only accept the pure bloods who weren’t replaced! (Missed some?)
His name is Greg.
I mean, get with the program, Jocelyn. 🙄😑
"In general, most vaccines do not completely prevent infection but do prevent the infection from spreading within the body and from causing disease."
So there’s a huge chance polio is coming back
It reduces deaths, reduces severity of infections, reduces long term effects, reduces spread.
Not even the polio vaccine achieves 100% immunity. With COVID19 it's much more virulent AND we have more antivaxxers, etc
Simple, common sense precautions were also just far too imposing for the delicate snowflakes melting down.
Yeah the vaccine does stop the virus from spreading.
Not 100%, no. No vaccine does that.
If you're vaccinated and exposed, you're FAR less likely to actually become infected.
If you do, you'll fight it off, quickly.
Even with an N95, unless you really know how to secure it, it's leaking.
ALL of those simple, common sense precautions could have worked wonders.
Too bad some people are just that gullible.
Nowadays vaccines are a victim of their own success.
My mother-in-law used a wheelchair for the rest of her life, and died of post-polio syndrome.
My mother has post-polio syndrome now.