Thats tough going for sure. Looking at the tire tracks it seems the bus itself pushed the plowed snow back on the side walk by driving thru it close to the curb. If the bus stops away from the curb pax. have to step over big pile. Only fix is to remove the snow piles by bus stops.
Two days ago my bus had to stop mid intersection to pick up a gentleman in a wheelchair who had to take a lane because the sidewalk was in passable for him.
At least the bus made the effort to get him one. A friend of mine was on a bus a couple of days ago where a person in a wheelchair was just left at the stop because there was too much snow.
I know it's a pain...
I know 311 complaints often just die on the vine...
But the City does track these complaints. So if the volume of reports gets high enough someone might do something.
Who is the councillor for this ward?