The U.S. will be a superpower emeritus when Trump and Musk are done looting it. Three what-ifs that led to Citizens United and an America in existential crisis. Plus on how to fix it, if we can. My latest
Don’t forget Mitch McConnell.
Can you think of anyone more responsible who has not had a major profile in MSM?
Progressives were the Caucus against CU.
That was Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, etc, battlecry.
It is hard to reconcile moderate dems choices, even now.
Watching Jefferies today.
Wish the US wasn’t providing this particular lesson, though.
Scared by the electorate that chose them and that would turn on them by a wink of the Great Orange Wizard.
I saw through it right away.
At first, he LOOKED okay . . .
Trump is their useful idiot.
They're all getting what they want:
Putin: World domination
Elon: U.S. taxpayers 100% funding his Mars fetish/other fantasies
Trump: Staying out of jail & getting to pretend he's a king
(said with a sad, disheartened voice)
There is no honor here, and little merit.
on YouTube
Rich, white, suburban evangelicals courted by Nixon & Regan
The sour grapes of business-wing cuz a New Deal
The South won the Civil War
Founded to protect the property of rich white men then Amendments to protect *some* people
Voters have had some time to think about this outcome.
These are Rapture evangelicals, and they think of themselves as the ones chosen to bring about the End Times.
That isn't hyperbole.
Even empires die.
Americans should see the threat,
Of 18 billionaires in Trump’s cabinet.
They care for cash. Not you and me.
USA for sale. Freedom’s no longer free.
Robert Caro summed it up when he said he didn’t believe power corrupts. He believed power *reveals*
If Thiel thinks JD's going to be grateful, he's going to be surprised.