I try to approach every game I play with a level of careful optimism where I want to see the best in it, but I’m not blind to any shortcomings it might have. I actively want whatever I’m playing to be good and interesting, though I sometimes feel like a lot of people have the exact opposite mindset.
Half of my steam wishlist is from you.
I just really don't understand the mindset of approaching something with the intent to dislike it from the start.
🤘🤘 its hard to be perfect
The main goal of any given game is whatever the dev's goal was when making it. Often times that's to be fun, sure, but, I mean, I don't think too many people are going to say "This War of Mine" is fun.
See what I mean? I'm not saying they're ONLY for that. Some people appreciate different aspects.
But, generally(important) games are trying to be fun, first.
But yes, the intent of the artist is important.
This is what I'm talking about. You can't pigeonhole games.
I don't mean to argue here, as much as discuss. I think you are correct Im just thinking about variables and stuff.
You are 100% right about intent. Its huge. I just feel like different media are better suited for different intents.
Thanks to it I now have gems like Death‘s Door in my Steam library.
Otherwise I would‘ve never looked at it.
Like, I LOVE soulslikes. But one of my two best friends will only sometimes play them. If I go into one that has coop "expecting it to be bad" and it easily flips that? I know my friend might actually enjoy it with me.
For example, other than the coop having issues still, I don't see why LOTF has as much hate. It is a shockingly solid soulslike, it just plays a little different.
But once I finally spent some time with Pineapple's work several years go, I realized it was extremely thoughtful/honest/respectful, and avoided pretentiousness entirely.
It's like waves, really shitty waves.
Oh, and this was my favorite moment from you:
Everything will have flaws, sure, that's fine, but I feel like there's too much nitpicky content out and it just creates unneeded discourse usually.
Also, I think this isn't only strictly for games, but really anything that you consume (movies, tv shows, etc.)
So you're definitely fine in that regard.
And a lot of where a game falls in that line depends a lot on how willing you are to actually engage with the game and look for the fun vs looking for something to complain about.
Too many people want to complain.
You, Vaati, Zullie, and uh... yep I'm good lol
I've heard the excuse that coming at a new game with a pessimistic view makes the good things in it stand out. But that's not how the brain works experiencing art.