Me! Me! Well, pretty sure I'm going to do this. This time around it's a cozy w/three seniors in a retirement villa. No murders (kinda icky for seniors to "go there") but petty crimes lead to two kidnappings. Trio hones their skills watching old Britbox mysteries (they don't get out much).
It’s a contest where querying authors can win a developmental edit on their full ms by a vetted pro editor. Details here:
Haha but it makes us really happy to see how writers grow from one ms to the next and also it’s very exciting to pick a winner who’s subbed a few times—my 2020(? 2021? Maybe? What is time?) winner was someone who’d subbed before
Thank you! I'm excited bc my MS is an MG paranormal, mystery with locked rooms and puzzles! And wouldn't you know it, a couple of editors have that on their MSWL!
Can’t wait to submit.
(Third or fourth time in a row! I’m probably not supposed to say that out loud 😂)
Made great connection through it though and learned a lot, so doing it again! 🥰