Trump issued a "directive" to Chief Justice Roberts—does he not understand separation of powers? The government has three equal branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. America is a democracy, not a dictatorship!
if politicians really cared
we would have universal healthcare
our ss contributions would be guaranteed
credit would not cost more than 10%
minimum wage would be permanently tied to the cost of living
disasters would always be met with compassion
education would be for all
integrity would matter
The point was to frame and limit the government, so we can exercise our rights, FREELY...
As we all know, and now clearly see, money has undone this, and Elon now gets briefed by the Pentagon. WTF?
It was; but the uneducated, uninformed, ignorant Asshat (and his equally unhinged minions) "think" that doesn't apply to him/them. "Me, Me,Me! Not thee!" ~ their mantra.
we would have universal healthcare
our ss contributions would be guaranteed
credit would not cost more than 10%
minimum wage would be permanently tied to the cost of living
disasters would always be met with compassion
education would be for all
integrity would matter
As we all know, and now clearly see, money has undone this, and Elon now gets briefed by the Pentagon. WTF?