Reading a book and I'm wondering why I can't turn off my editor brain, I keep finding things I'd cut or simplify, I'm just nitpicking the hell out of it... and then, within the first 10 pages, a character says "desert" when they mean "dessert". It's not me. This is a really poorly edited book.
I used to offer to beta writers in my fandoms who showed promise. But too many didn't want actual editing 🤷
When I first started writing fanfic 25 years ago, the culture ws very different. Now it's very anti critique which is very sad for people who genuinely want to improve. But finding those rare individuals is very painful for all concerned. Many of us have been kicked in the teeth by beta-ees
I do the same thing but not with books.
Some rough gems, but sometimes even polishing a turd is too much work.
DNF was the tombstone of what was a good story, hanging like tatters of cloth on the barbed wire of laziness.
But like fish in the sea, the shallows offer more.
I assume that proofreading is a dying profession.
I am definitely a layperson.
It took a long time to train my brain to just watch it on the first go, then put on my critical hat on the rewatch.
Course, when it comes to my own writing, it's always a case of 'who's the hack who thought THIS was good...?!'
It's annoying when the editor in you finds the problem areas and the actual person who took the money for it has been sloppy.
Hate such publishing companies 😒
The author's memory/legacy deserves better!