Putin is looking more and more like a responsible Statesman while our leaders act like intoxicated frat boys wanking themselves into warmongering fever and literally destroying the planet.
Under which stone did you live Putin started this war in 2014 followed by years of preparing an invasion that only because of covid has been delayed. And he always talked openly to end Ukraine as nation since years, so how can he be something other as the warmonger and criminal number ?
Diplomatic agreement would have give people in Ukraine same or better outcome without a half million of their men dead. But people have blinders on so it seems.
Also Putin has been fairly restrained it is not him who keeps begging for escalation.
Sorry fella but your propaganda BS is being thrown around by the same people in favor of genociding all Arabic peoples. So you are not offering superior propaganda.
Also Zekensky banned the Orthodox Church. What do you call that other than attempt to erase history and culture?
Sorry fella the first time I visited Russia was 1995 and you? I was more than ten years married to a Russian woman don’t tell me BS. No, the Orthodox Church was not banned just the muscovion patriarchy with is nothing else as the prolonged arm of Russian imperialism, btw. Run by a KGB mate of Putin
A diplomatic agreement for Putin means Ukrainin culture has to be eradicated a the country has to be best case a Russian satellite. Further did he a his cronies always openly talk in Russian media that this means 1-5 million Ukrainian people have to be relocated and/ or killed
Also Putin has been fairly restrained it is not him who keeps begging for escalation.
Also Zekensky banned the Orthodox Church. What do you call that other than attempt to erase history and culture?
Trump in particular is acting so much worse than Putin, and that is a difficult standard to beat.
Both use similar propaganda techniques, except Putin is actually good at it.
She's just useful for them.