So because I can't remember how to do quadratic equations, as I haven't done them for 36 years, that negates the rest of my education?!! My mum somehow managed to, like an awful lot of women, have a husband (they met at uni) and a career. Not that she was a high earner, she was a teacher and then
So much anger and jealousy combined with low self esteem. Why tear people down? Because someone else you think is less deserving has something you think you deserve more?
Because one of them rejected him and he now projects it onto all women. His role models include super rich grifters so he doesn't have a realistic concept of what it means to be successful.
I actually kinda see someone could think a professional making 120k “mediocre,” that is if he himself is in those kind of industries too. That said, may these mediocre independent career women get more pride and continue to ignore him.
I know plenty of guys with 3.6 GPAs from no-name colleges who work as project managers or consultants for $120K, and who think they're successful "alphas" and God's gift to women, and resent paying taxes 'cuz it stifles their "genius".
90% chance this is an adjunct professor in the hard sciences with a PhD but no tenure who gets very mad when people don't call him 'doctor' off campus.
I see a lot of women educated in prestigious universities focus on the careers, hobbies and just existing online, not particularly caring about men or catering to men and their posts are full of men trying to bring them down just because.
Note that these are mathematically correct when “you yourself”, “you going”, and “you fucking” are all zero (which is what the dude deserves). Technically the second one is undefined but so is him going and fucking himself, so…
Is being able to derive the quadratic formula a huge life advantage? Seems like a weirdly specific example. I'm in my late 40s and I don't remember this coming up as an adult.
I don’t understand his main grievance…. Why does he care about women living their lives and being proud of themselves? However mediocre he deems them to be.
Or he’s just a miserable, lonely guy, being judgey from his basement?
Fuck, I was an astronomy major in college and I don't remember how to do a damn quadratic equation anymore and it's been nearly 20 years. I'd kill to have 100k salary a year, too.
But I also am in a loving relationship with my wife and doesn't need his inadequate, jealous emotions harshing my life.
Dude don't get that the funny thing here is him taking so much time and so many words to speak about people who, according to him, would be "mediocre and unimpressive". Why bother then ? It just says "I need to feel superior for my little male ego"
I haven’t used the quadratic equation since the seventh grade when I had to learn it for a test. I’m sure some jobs require it, but I promptly erased it from memory and used the freed-up storage space for more important things, like the Pac Man Cereal jingle.
I definitely have not used it since school and I have completely replaced it with episode recaps of Seinfield and the stop motion interstitial that used to play on Nickelodeon.
I wrote software for a living.
I used "Sum of a Series" once, but otherwise never used the quadratic or ANY of calculus, ever. Why would anyone else need it?
You know what I developed and learned and used?
How to communicate with humans.
Going all math nerd on a woman in the 6 figures is dumb.
He’s not a stalker, nope. Just a guy who knows her salary, job title, college GPA, etc. Did he corner her at a coffee shop to quiz her about random math facts?
Thinking about the women doctors, pilots, lawyers, professors, etc. who seem to only marry men in their field. One of the reasons? Men that aren't intimidated by them. This also happens in male dominated fields like cops, etc.
I’ll never understand how it hurts oneself to uplift others. It usually costs nothing, both monetarily or otherwise, to do so. I want those around me to succeed. If they do better than me, have better ideas, bring more to the table… than that is great! 🤷🏻♂️ acknowledge their accomplishments!
(immediately proceeds to tear down women’s accomplishments)
Yep, that one’s a real head scratcher.
Seriously though, where do these entitled jerks come from? I'll take good odds he still lives in his mom's basement.
Go + yourself = fuck
fuck/yourself = Go
fuck - Go = yourself
Go x fuck = yourself
The audacity of mediocre men has no end.
Or he’s just a miserable, lonely guy, being judgey from his basement?
But I also am in a loving relationship with my wife and doesn't need his inadequate, jealous emotions harshing my life.
Oh this dude SCREAMS just out of college engineer who very recently had a conversation with HR for creeping on the women in his office.
I used "Sum of a Series" once, but otherwise never used the quadratic or ANY of calculus, ever. Why would anyone else need it?
You know what I developed and learned and used?
How to communicate with humans.
Going all math nerd on a woman in the 6 figures is dumb.