It's hilarious as hell that they're so wired about vaccines that they'd rather eat literal poisons than take something extensively tested on animals and people.
And they all have "Pureblood" on their info. They seem willing to put anything in their bodies to me. Maybe they just liked how racist "Pureblood" sounded.
I'd like to think most of these people are much older, and so they're gonna die off like the dinosaurs they are. But many of these people are dangerously young. It shouldn't be possible for our country to be this stupid.
Prepare for chaos?
Borax can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea if you ingest it by itself, and large amounts can lead to shock and kidney failure. It's banned in U.S. food products. It also can irritate your skin and eyes, and it can hurt your nose, throat, and lungs if you breathe it in.
Aug 20, 2022
“Hormone problems…may esp. impair male reproduction, reducing sperm count & libido…experienced atrophy of their testes, or reproductive organs. In women, borax may reduce ovulation & fertility. In pregnant lab animals…cross the placenta border, harming fetal development & causing low birth weight.”
I wonder if the borax munchers also complain about vague “chemicals” in our environment acting as endocrine disrupters. That would be the height of irony.
The vaccine is a hoax to get people to buy and sell more borax. That way, the government can activate the borax by steering it a lot to make people slime.
And there's no excuse for ignorance anymore because we can look up anything we want to know. Read about it in several diff reputable sources, when they all say the same thing, that's the way it is, period. You can't change established facts because you don't like them. Or you don't "believe them".
Is it wrong that my first thought was wondering whether if they also ate PVA glue, they'd fill their intestines with slime? Add some different colours of food dye in there and they'd have a neat party trick...
It's sold as a laundry additive, probably other uses, but all I remember is if you mix it with Elmers glue it turns into Gak, if you remember that. like Play-Doh but more slippery? But you don't eat it, it's laundry soap. Oh, it also kills ants. (A lot cheaper than buying ant bait).
Let them. Borax is (somewhat) safe in small doses. As long as they aren't eating pounds of the stuff, the worst they'll do is give themselves the runs.
The antennas that are now inside people who are vaccinated will be activated by the government…
To do what exactly?
Are we all about to become zombies or robots or stepford wives?
It's actually hard to believe people could be so dumb or caught up in their own circle of insanity. It's sad. We are very sick country. But they are really fun to laugh at.
I know someone who got Internet suckered THREE times !!! $155K.
Can't wait to see some bright pink anti-vaxxers.
"Borax, can cause stomach irritation, vomit or diarrhea if ingested. Over time, it can cause anemia and seizures and that soaking in borax could cause rashes that make the skin appear as bright pink as a boiled lobster and start to fall off."
They do give it to their kids. They also give them things that are 10 times worse. On the other app, I followed somebody who would track them and post what they were doing, and it was horrific.
If only these people would be done with it faster, so they didn’t manage to get kids to forment with their delusions, then I wouldn’t care one bit. But saving those children from those parents, so they don’t suffer now and when they’re grow up and get infected with something awful.
You have the “God’s will” people and the “you killed my child, not me” crowd. They will always justify what they do and because they survive whatever it is, it can’t be their fault.
Yup…those people too. One of the more harrowing stories was a woman using black salve to treat a tiny blemish on her nose. I think it was skin cancer and the salve ate the cancer, the skin and half her nose. There were photos and even the loons were telling her to go to the ER.
Yeah. The black salve stories are something out of a nightmare.
Apricot pit eaters, the folks who follow the salty cabbage “waterfalls” woman, the people who think essential oils can treat anything…I don’t know if the problem is a lack of science education or just gullibility.
We haven’t even mentioned the urine drinkers. For people who think this is a one off, there are communities of these people. Lack of education is not the only problem, it’s the lack of common sense. It’s no wonder kidney disease is through the roof.
I read a thread of fb once where a mom was giving her kids shots of colloidal silver cause if “eating it works then injecting it is better”…..i hope those kids got removed from her care.
JFC! That’s insane! I couldn’t imagine the health problems that would cause for a child. I hope they did take those kids away, but some of those nutters get them right back depending on state laws.
It's hilarious as hell that they're so wired about vaccines that they'd rather eat literal poisons than take something extensively tested on animals and people.
Prepare for chaos?
I am still waiting for my Autism to be shut off post-activation.
We've been robbed.
Aug 20, 2022
(joking for those who don't realize it)
If their ideology endangered only them, I might agree. But it doesn’t.
They poison their kids, they expose immune-compromised people to disease.
If anti-vaxxers are eating it then I am 100%sure !!
To do what exactly?
Are we all about to become zombies or robots or stepford wives?
But if I take borax or baking Soda I’ll be ok?
What a bunch of numpties.
I know someone who got Internet suckered THREE times !!! $155K.
-It's an old school arthritis therapy.
-Did wonders for my teeth, bones, heart, back and knees.
"Borax, can cause stomach irritation, vomit or diarrhea if ingested. Over time, it can cause anemia and seizures and that soaking in borax could cause rashes that make the skin appear as bright pink as a boiled lobster and start to fall off."
Apricot pit eaters, the folks who follow the salty cabbage “waterfalls” woman, the people who think essential oils can treat anything…I don’t know if the problem is a lack of science education or just gullibility.