They literally don’t even know this is the same person…and you know they’re the type of guys who scream “fraud” if her profile pic had makeup but she showed up fresh-faced. It’s 2024 and they still have no fucking clue what makeup is or why we like to wear it (to express ourselves, not catch a dick)
Really outs how insecure these fools are when they assume every single man feels the same way, like men are too simple to have our own thoughts and feelings and inner lives.
Do the guys ever look at themselves and think women often find baggy graphic T-shirts are attractive? You wear what is comfortable and makes you feel good. Some will have your same aesthetic but not all.
Its actually quite disgusting how these men will say things like this when they're really just trying to hide the fact that they prefer women who have younger looking faces without makeup because they have a perversion to liking women who still look like children.
I mean, guy who thinks woman on the left is pure as the driven snow and woman on the right is a skanky promiscuous bitch thinks women shouldn't be allowed to vote...
I can't decide which is funnier, the guys talking about which one they'd choose as if they'd ever have a chance, or the ones who can't tell it's the same woman.
I actually have thought about if the usage of heavy makeup over time has caused more "aged" (or however it would be called) looks when not using it but never really spent the time to look into it
Check this video. I think it explains a lot about why men in controlling religions dislike makeup. She said it makes women look adult. They prefer childlike. Creepy and eye opening
I'm allergic to most makeup (which I fully use as an excuse to not wear any), so it always amuses me when ppl reveal that they honestly can't tell when ppl aren't wearing any makeup.
I've had jobs where the dress code tried to demand women wear makeup. No one ever noticed I wasn't wearing any.
Accusing women of trying to attract men by looking a certain way reeks of projection to me. Like he cannot fathom people doing something because it's what they like rather than to attract someone, which tells me that's exactly how he lives his life. Which makes him sound /
wildly boring. No personality or thoughts of his own, just shaping himself to whatever his understanding is of what women want (and by the sounds of it probably determining what women want by listening to what other men tell him women want).
Yeah, no. She's very pretty but she looks more put together and sophisticated with makeup (which is tasteful and not overdone). No makeup, she looks like a kid (which this idiot probably favors...)
A) Good thing women don't wear makeup to be attractive to men
B) The one on the left looks younger, which always raises eyebrows, because knowing what I do about the world, I instantly wonder if that's why this guy finds her more attractive. She looks barely 20 without makeup.
Go for it. Spend lots of time and money looking in the mirror. You don't see the shallowness, the lack of substance. You only long for the admiration of others. Men, too.
Not in the least. I just avoid self-obsessed people. Wouldn't date one. Wouldn't recommend it. Never met a makeup-oriented person with something interesting on their mind. Maybe haven't looked hard enough. lol.
Why are you triggered by people living their lives the way they want? You sound shallow and self centered right now making assumptions and stereotyping people you don't know.
I certainly don't know every woman who applies elaborate makeup by default. I have, however, met quite a few and can compare them to other women who do not, e.g. my colleagues in the lab. I simply agree with OP that the girl without makeup is far more attractive.
I find it weird that women find elaborate makeup "pretty". My wife says that women show off for each other more than for men. Personally, I find *women* pretty. Fresh and natural, light on the cosmetics. I don't think I'm weird, I'm sure I remember when many girls were like that.
Makeup is art. People love art. It’s the same as liking origami or pottery.
Women aren’t wearing elaborate makeup to look “fresh”, they like the art form and want it to be visible. Plain paper crane vs elaborate 3D pop-up card- which one is more impressive? That’s how we see it.
Men generally don't care about being attractive to women. They wear what they find comfortable or chic. There are no magazines that boys read that teach them what makes them attractive to women. They don't read articles about what women find attractive.
Also like... both are perfectly respectable looks depending on context? The look on the right is very much a "I am going to spend 4+ hours on prep time for a special occasion where I wanna look glitzy" not anything remarkably more or less attractive than the left photo.
Why we can't and shouldn't listen to men on matters like this. In the same breath, they'll say that women need to look more natural or just look like the picture on the left, but turn around and scream how women don't look feminine enough or should like more like the picture on the right.
So, the only reason why a woman may want to wear makeup is to look more attractive to men...? Do these people ever stop and ask women what they actually think?
There's makeup and then they're facial implants and fillers to make you look like a plastic blowup doll which I call the Maralardo look or looking like the mask of Jason, Scary movie and Purge you need to go see a shrink.
This is just ridiculous. Something someone would say at Mar a Lago. Look at how much Kimberly evolved into Elvira Mistress of the dark. Only Elvira wore it better, with a good sense of humor.
Wow. He has got a lot of hate
But it stops at the person in the mirror
I've had jobs where the dress code tried to demand women wear makeup. No one ever noticed I wasn't wearing any.
We didn’t ask! If we want someone’s opinion, it sure won’t be from any of them!
Ok, do you hate makeup because it makes us irresistible, or because it makes us ugly?
And more importantly, why do you think we care?
If you post that photo with full makeup on your dating profile, men get very upset if you show up for a date looking like the photo with no makeup.
Wear as much or as little makeup as you want. It’s your face.
I wear my Clinique Black Honey every damn day 💋
Fuck these lipstick snowflakes
People are weird, man.
tsk, tsk.
B) The one on the left looks younger, which always raises eyebrows, because knowing what I do about the world, I instantly wonder if that's why this guy finds her more attractive. She looks barely 20 without makeup.
The great thing about textual evidence is that it’s plain to see at any time
Your taste and opinion are not the non plus ultra.
If make-up of other folks bothers you, just look away!
Women aren’t wearing elaborate makeup to look “fresh”, they like the art form and want it to be visible. Plain paper crane vs elaborate 3D pop-up card- which one is more impressive? That’s how we see it.
First, both looks are attractive. Second, neither look depends on how attractive to men they are; it's all about how that look makes the woman FEEL.