He had friends trying to defend him. One said he was generous to charity. I pointed out that no one needs to be a professional fundraiser (as I am) to Google “Keith Wasserman” and “donor.” He doesn’t show up in my Google. With $100M net worth, $3.5 million in giving would make him “average.”
PS - The friend trying to defend Keith Wasserman, saying he’s charitable, only shows up in one place as a donor - he signed a pledge to give 50% of his donations to Jewish and Israel causes. However, there is no evidence that the friend has given ANY money to any causes at all, Jewish or otherwise.
I wonder if he is smart enough to make the connection that his taxes he will be using loopholes to avoid paying, are supposed to pay for firefighters, and they aren’t just simply for hire? No? Hoarding wealth is all he knows? 🙄
The most disgusting class of humans.
(Should have paid for firefighters earlier, huh?)
You might as well call your working class protagonist "John Everyman".
Like if he paid them in advance, so they would rush not only to where he needed them but to where the fire started so everyone would be save.
We could all chip in a little to help out.
This is "fall of the Republic" territory.
One guy who became co-dictator of Rome, Crassus, ran a firefighting company.
He'd show up to fires and only put out the fire once the owners had agreed to sell the burning buildings.
There were LOTS of fires around this time. 🤔
I have this meme.