Wow. He was staging/had cast her in a drama that she wasn't even a part of. I see no advantage to her in this--working out his own shit is a one-man show.
When I was 23 I had a husband like this.
He was 27
He was spending MY money because his only income came from one weekend a month and two weeks a year in the Army reserves.
Took a year to finalize the UNCONTESTED divorce because of his narcissistic behavior
At this point, I'm not even sure why they post these. The relationship is not going to work. Everyone in their circles has said the same, and then & he is angry with her but won't address what hurt his "wittle" feelings, so he acts out.
once you realize you deserve a kind, capable adult as a partner, there is no going back. i married a good man, but only because i would rather be single than compromise.
In so many of these, the man is older but completely immature compared to her.
This handsome prince even KNOWS that he can't handle basic budgeting and should not be allowed to shop without female supervision, but he thinks if he says so sarcastically it won't be true.
Also, reflection on why the nice guys finished last in that contest will help. Don't jump from the frying pan into the fire. Monitor those attraction signals and reflect on those feelings rationally. --a dad
If this writing is true, it is a PRIME example of what we're doing wrong when we raise our daughters. This type of behavior on his part should have been all she needed to see THE FIRST TIME to walk away from him.
Lass, you do not, in any way, need to keep making the same mistake. He is not going to change. Ever. He has shown you who he is. Repeatedly. Believe him. I can't imagine the sex being good enough to make up for this.
To azuuredamsel: He's acted like this in the past, he's acting like it now - after you've made clear to him that this spoilt-brat behaviour pisses you off.
He'll act like it again. The best you can do is make sure that it isn't with you.
Financially, she’d be better off with a roommate. Emotionally, she’d be better off without him. He won’t learn from this, but I hope she does. Who wants to be Mommy to a 28 y.o. man? PS, he won’t save money for retirement and will have to work at 70 or he’ll be dead from the junk food he eats alone.
She is 23. Young enough to know what she wants and it is not a partner that humiliates her in public because she reminds them they have a smaller food budget for the month. Leaving was appropriate. Now, she needs to look at their lease and how she can get out of it. Move away from him and his abuse.
I hope she has a support system.
He does sound like he will go ballistic when she breaks up with him.
She likely needs to coordinate moving out when he is away and not leaving a forwarding address or anything.
I do not know if it is a state law or federal to get out of a lease due to abuse?
So to sum it up - he started yelling at her IN THE STORE, yet it's her that humiliated him for leaving?
Nah, if ppl were giving him weird looks it's because they saw full grown adult acting like a 3 year old in public. The only humiliating thing in this situation is being *with* him
It's always sad seeing these posts from people who obviously should just dump their loser partners and move on with their lives. I get that many people are financially constrained from doing so, which is the depressing part. No one should be forced to stay in such a toxic relationship.
I can finaly use my new reaction image from a local supermarket ad, yay. (Incidentaly its the reaction of a comedian playing the wife of a man child at a supermarket....)
He was 27
He was spending MY money because his only income came from one weekend a month and two weeks a year in the Army reserves.
Took a year to finalize the UNCONTESTED divorce because of his narcissistic behavior
once you realize you deserve a kind, capable adult as a partner, there is no going back. i married a good man, but only because i would rather be single than compromise.
This handsome prince even KNOWS that he can't handle basic budgeting and should not be allowed to shop without female supervision, but he thinks if he says so sarcastically it won't be true.
Do your part around the house, be an adult when it comes to finances. Don’t weaponize your incompetence.
Never be a twit to your partner in public.
...and then leave him there at the register when he has a tantrum. That way, you've at least got your own groceries.
He'll act like it again. The best you can do is make sure that it isn't with you.
He does sound like he will go ballistic when she breaks up with him.
She likely needs to coordinate moving out when he is away and not leaving a forwarding address or anything.
I do not know if it is a state law or federal to get out of a lease due to abuse?
This guy's a loser.
Nah, if ppl were giving him weird looks it's because they saw full grown adult acting like a 3 year old in public. The only humiliating thing in this situation is being *with* him
Or have groceries delivered.
They aren’t compatible.
Get out before it's too late... he won't get better, or grow up, or change etc...