RIP, Stephan Furst. He told me at Phoenix ComicCon (the 20th anniversary of B5) that B5 saved his life. He needed a kidney transplant due to diabetes complications, and a B5 fan donated theirs because they heard on a fan BB. He was lovely. ❤️
Why is ESPN still doing business with a guy who unapologetically embraces sex traffickers and other terrible people? Why are Stephen A Smith and Molly Qerim still capping for Dana White? Does anyone have an ounce of integrity left ?
Oh wow!!! 😳 I kept hearing about Dana White but didn’t know he was UFC CEO and didn’t know what he looks like. (I have no interest in that “sport”.) The video of them yucking it up is revolting!
Ha, I understood this reference (I'm Swedish) and I couldn't agree more. Why is she only a fictional person when we desperately need her here in real life?! 😳😫
I think steroids can do that. Maybe that's also why he is angry all the time, he's insecure about it, so he's trying to compensate with a big macho man attitude.
"America" didn't allow these fucking assholes back into the country. "America" isn't threatening to annex Canada. "America" isn't putting tariffs on Canada, eh? Just STAAAHHPP with calling us names. IT'S JUST THE ORANGE MORON IN DC. Most of us didn't vote for him. Get it now, EH?
Well, many of us have been living in hell for ten years now & are fighting against the orange raping monster & his boot-licking lackeys. We side with Canada & all our allies. There's also evidence that the last election was stolen. We can't get our politicians to do fuck all about it though.
They don’t even try to hide.
They have perfected the perverted life
BTW, it looks like Junior is working on his own unusual hairstyle.
If you support MAGA, you condone rape and spousal abuse, and you don't think the men who commit those acts should be punished.
Or was it never there to start with?
Here is a wild idea, he is a terrible trans man and didn’t get Phalloplasty.
Let me be clear, a trans man doesn’t need any surgeries he doesn’t want to make him a trans man.
Some poor folk are apparently, and I don't mean they're girlies, lol.
Is that Ivanka Trump grinding on Donald Trump's leg?
Emotional incest with physical boundary issues.
I'm sorry... I couldn't resist the joke.