surely a living environment with no regulations or audits in place can have booming consumer confidence in the safety and quality of the products in the limited area, and surely not exploited as a means for cutting any and all corners at the expense of consumers to maximize profits.
Remember this going on starting in 2018 when I used to own property there. Rep John Garamendi was furious and it took a long time for officials to find out who was buying up all the land surrounding Travis Air Force Base.
Much of Tech Fascist thought is inspired by a 1997 book called "The Sovereign Individual." It predicted the rise of "cyber currency" & the fall of existing nations. It had a profound effect on Peter Thiel. He even wrote the preface to the 2020 edition. Summary:
So they don’t want to pay any federal taxes which means they won’t get any assistance ever from any federal agencies and they can’t vote in any federal elections either. I’m okay with that. And no social security numbers either.
Why do all these Uber dorks read science fiction and always root for the bad guys? It takes a special kind of sociopath to get the exact opposite message from these books. All credit to whoever wrote this:
"I don’t try to predict the future. I try to prevent it."
So, read through this doc and didn’t see anything about physical security. Help me out please. If right now, a nation-state has the monopoly of the use of force/violence, who has it under a network state / sovereign network / “freedom” city?
South Africa really didn't send us their best. Thiel and Musk are both products of the apartheid mining industry. Both of them have parents who are Nazis. You could not write a better movie with more terrible villains than what we are living.
Is a Thiel endorsement proof of value? I read 1 confused, semi-literate article by him in the FT I think, a month ago. I saw 1 interview with him where he was asked an easy question. He went a weird colour, his ears seemed to grow larger and eventually he said something like "tech does good stuff".
The first thing I thought of was the group that purchased the land surrounding Travis AFB. They would bank on the base being closed down as well. Mather, Ft Ord are just two that have housing and commercial buildings. UPS, FedEx use Mather airport. Are there more land purchases in the U.S. @ AFBs?
Solano County has however told Thiel & his group to go fuck themselves. And unless Trump declares martial law and occupies the Bay Area, I do not see that changing.
He's not trying to do an academic dissertation in his skeet. I admire your work, but this is a conversation most normies outside your field aren't aware of. The better response here was "yes, and here's something I wrote if you want to know more." Assuming people know what you do is how we got here.
It spells out how crypto will be used to replace governments with these Tech Tyrant Towns. Read the whole thing:
A history of it all:
"I don’t try to predict the future. I try to prevent it."
basically start with the marginalized people who most of society doesn't care about.
Please keep it up! I will repost any and all.
It’s also worth noting that Peter Thiel and JD Vance go way back