Al Gore jokes in the year of our lord 2023! I guess al gore was sort of an environmentalist icon for a while, so why not link him with greta thunberg. i mean why not?
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The ironic thing is, Tats making a GWAR joke is much more timely than his usual servings of Silver Age comics villains and Star Wars, but you can tell that he doesn't realize that he's making Gore look cooler in the process.
i know the pepe slogans are all, like, maga stuff, but what is tats trying to say here? this feels like it's anti-maga but i don't think that's what he meant to say?
There was a temporary jump in egg prices. Tats probably jumped on it as a way of trying to prove that he's not totally obsessed with transphobia and Fox talking points. The hilarious thing, of course, is that it's an _EGG_ story.
for the first time in 15 years, vainglorious does something! ie builds an anti-vax grim reaper out of old fembot parts (tats has gotten bored with the ol' "Fembots deserve autonomy as sentient beings" story line, so now they're just parts)
well I know egg prices spiked a few times in the usa especially in 2023.I think bird flu killed a bunch of them?might be just a joke eggs are expensive black market items?
ah, so this has to be when major farm corps sold massive amount of eggs to foreign markets at a wildly low price so they could claim there was a shortage and jack up the price by absurd amounts (and then keep it there)
Nah, okay, you have "copium" or "hopium" as a slang for optimism or coping through denial of facts, which are plays on "opium" so you have the Hopium Den where people who can't deal with the collapse of society go to bliss out on happy fantasies.
I think its the Q nonsense about trusting Q/Trump will bring normalcy back to everything and that maybe sitting back isnt wise. you need to be an active fighting against the wokes member instead of trusting Trump will save us? a lot of these comics are like a fucking gibberish fever dream at times
There is a q split, some who believe the underlying "facts" don't believe the secret governments fighting behind the scenes part, and believe that q is encouraging a kind of dharma bum situation.
Which is scary, cause if you believe that shit, courses of action are horrific.
Not anti-MAGA, as such, but talking about Q & associated travelers.
The thing about QAnon as conspiracy theorists go is that yes it postulates that the world is run by Satan-worshipping pedophiles, but it also holds that Donald Trump has that all handled so all they need to do is trust the plan.
So to Tats the issue with the Pepes isn't their paranoid worries about trans acceptance being the work of a Cabal of Satanist pedophiles controlling the world, he just doesn't think it's true that there's a band of White Hats in the government ready to save the day.
I think this is the beginning of him leaving MAGA for esoteric naziism. He’s saying MAGA, Q, and Christians are passive and naive, they need to go further than that and wage war.
this one is so bizarre. if you didn't have context or know what "ree" is, this one just reads as hyping up these two, akin to those early Sinfest "Barack Obama is a rockstar here to save us all" strips
I wondered a little about how knowingly he's been invoking scorn for autism with that vile "ree" thing, but it's certainly not a surprise to see we're specifically enumerated on hate list too.
I can't imagine living with your soul twisted up that bad. Every little window begs: he lives like this?
there was a court case and everything!
not sure how correct that is because google.
This is the strangest nonconsensual crossover in comics history
Which is scary, cause if you believe that shit, courses of action are horrific.
The thing about QAnon as conspiracy theorists go is that yes it postulates that the world is run by Satan-worshipping pedophiles, but it also holds that Donald Trump has that all handled so all they need to do is trust the plan.
I can't imagine living with your soul twisted up that bad. Every little window begs: he lives like this?
mighta taken in too much of this thread today