This is just dumb. Even hetero sex can be had in many ways and many positions, including with the woman “in charge”. He/they just trying to reify a narrow historical narrative around it.
Niebuhr: Religion is so frequently a source of confusion in political life, and so frequently dangerous to democracy, precisely because it introduces absolutes into the realm of relative values.
The sad thing is this dim-witted moron actually believes permanently in the s*** he is spouting! This kind of unintelligent low IQ gibberish is what damages human societies everywhere. Intelligent people must resist this nonsense.
Article VI, Clause 3 in the original draft of the constitution: "No religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
"You must avoid in any way, any woman that cherry picks her way through the Bible." - the first thing out of Doug's pie hole, while he wears an outfit of mixed cloth.
We need to make our voices heard and our bodies seen. Peaceful mass marching led to Women's Suffrage, the Voting and Civil Rights Acts, defunding the War in Vietnam, Roe, HIV/AIDS research finding quadrupling, Marriage Equality, and the 2020 Election results. Then We stopped. It works. I'm ready.
Doug Wilson is the second biggest piece of shit scum on the bottom of EVERYONE'S SHOES. Second only to rump. Despicable despicable despicable fucking sick fuck.
He won't last. He's an incompetent drunk. Alcohol is only silent in the bottle. Once he's in he'll drink, act a fool and some whistle blowers will out him and he'll be removed.
Haven't we heard this before?? As in....crusades??? Quite scary to read that we have people that believe this kind of silly shite in 2025. “They believe the church is supposed to be militant in the world, is supposed to be reforming the world, and in some ways conquering the world.”
This version of Christianity where it’s fine(and apparently celebrated) that you knock up your girlfriend (who you work with/for, so she knows you’re married) while still married to your second wife is intriguing. What denomination is that again?
He needs to know how many pedophiles started in the church then.
I will not be controlled by this doctrine. Lived it, moved away from home, never going back.
Oh look. It’s a Christo-fascist asserting wildely extreme and offensive opinions as ‘fact’, without even the slightest attempt to justify them. I am surprised.
I have to point out that women can take frozen sperm ( no penetration needed) and create life. Men simply cannot create life without a women. So who is more powerful??????????
Doug Wilson is a very dangerous person. Without hyperbole, he accepts the Bible as the "LITERAL Word of God" Every bit of it...the genocide, pedophilia, rape, torture....ALL of it. Justified, because it's God's Word.
When he starts hearing God in his head, there will be problems...
I can't stand men like this, my gut just sank. It's so utterly vile and what is more horrifying is that the new govt will platform folks like this piece of shit.
This is why sexual assault committed by a white Christian man isn’t a dealbreaker in this country. It’s divine providence. Women belong to them. In their minds, only non-white men can commit sa because white men own white women
Funny. My marriage is explicitly husband-led (by my agreement) and my husband's #1 priority during sex is my pleasure. He says that it's his responsibility as a leader to ensure my needs are met. THAT is masculinity.
Oh God. They just say it out loud. They used to have to hide & diddle themselves. Ick ick ick. These people were so marginalized just a few years ago. It's like cockroaches coming out of the woodwork. Do they have a brain worm??
Nothing unusual for a so called civilised person that cannot lift themselves above their animal instincts.
A truly civilised person rise well above their animal instincts even those involved in maintaining the species by giving birth to their young.
St Paul letters: rich or poor, male or female, free or slave, we are all equal in Christ.
(I have no idea , this is what my partner said. Reads the bible. Out of interest. ) Must admit, prefer this version of bible.
The weakest, most intellectually challenged humans are those that cannot rise above sex-centered existence. It should be in the DSM as a personality disorder.
I firmly believe that there’s no exceptions to “love your neighbor”, the minute you actively seek them, you aren’t being the church, you’re playing at it. You can hang all the crucifixes, quote scripture and the lot. If in the end you can only use it to justify hate, it isn’t about Christ.
So very true. I was raised in the Catholic faith, but consider myself an atheist. I know what I was taught in the Catholic schools, and it wasn't what too many see as christian.
When I preach against, even the lack of basic human decency: the drownings in the Rio Grande, I ended up getting flamed after church : “ How dare you bring politics up!?, You don’t live there and deal with what those poor people deal with!!” All because I said America needs to do better than this.
Funny….but you technically are not a “Christian” if you rely heavily on the Old Testament….something about how Gods children went a bit overboard so he sent his only son Jesus Christ to show the people a better way….hence the “Christ” in Christian….
They only rely on the Old Testament when they need a specific "bit." Otherwise they totally ignore it and anything that's 'inconvenient' about the New Testament.
It's difficult to deal w/ these ppl b/c they're so certain that G-d is speaking directly to them. Felon's 1st term unleashed these types and only white, st8, males who fall in line will have a slightly smooth time these next few yrs. Prepare to defend women, LGBT, & others.
A man shits his pants when he is born and a man shits his pants as he dies. All babies start out as females and at the time birth defects are detected some babies defect into males.
Ugh, you know who talks like this? People who are afraid & frustrated because they are powerless to control women. All his talk of power and domination reveal him to be weak, insecure, & afraid. So he appeals to an authority to say “see, God said you have to do this!” because he can’t do it himself.
That is REALLY unhealthy! You don't "conquer" during intercourse. You "unite". It is a willing act on both sides. What he is describing is rape from a rapist's perspective.
"... We explore ways in which women are harmed, silenced and exploited within 8 different cults from their unique perspectives. The stories and wisdom were beautifully shared amongst survivors supporting each other..."
Oh wow, straight outta Havelock Ellis. I wonder what other 'values' he shares with him? Of course, sexologists (and priests?) aren’t at all known for their pedophilia.
Why do these guys have to be so gross? They worship their orgasm more than anything, and will construct great cathedrals and rituals to sanctify getting their rocks off. It’s literally that juvenile. So many words written and preached over so many years to reinforce a mystical magical sexual release
his church claims that women cause rape by refusing to accept their body is owned by any male that touches or molests them........... that women are not afforded such rights as choosing to not pleasure all who demand such.....
A man who has never experienced the love of a woman. Never had the exquisite coalition of mutual orgasm. A cold and heartless unlovable unfukable asshole who can write. He thinks his god loves him, that would be a god to stay away from. Pull out those old brains & restart critical thinking skill.
Back after 9/11, Muslims were blasted by Christians for not repudiating the attacks. Bout damn time Christians start standing up and doing the same for these monsters.
It's SO good! I've struggled to explain the long term take over brewing from the Christian Right going back to the 80s. Your pod is much clearer than my attempts.
Please someone tell the dems on these committees to attack the republicans for giving legitimacy to this sham
Make a spectacle of the entire proceeding!
Damn this honorable tradition bullshit
That’s what got us here!
These pigs think masculinity is control, abuse, rape & beatings. That’s mental illness of cruel insecure bullies who are so flawed that this is the only thing that makes them feel good. Masculinity is caring, kindness, support, equality & respect of your partner/family every day. That’s a man.
Colonizing mindset is the same mindset of a rapist. Both have zero empathy for their victims and enjoy subjecting them against their will and violently robbing them of their dignity.
Where do they find these asshole? Is there a special program to find them and turn them into the worst people. Why would any self-respecting women have anything to do with this CHUD.
Lost causers rallied during the civil rights era. They got their baptist president, and a national platform. C-SPAN lets their rabid congressmen blather all night on cable to an empty House and emptier brains at home. Bill Cooper, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Alex Jones, et al. on the radio...
Why do all these guys look like they crawled out of a hole? Seriously…look in the mirror at why you feel you have to “take” things instead of getting them a normal way. They are unkept, over fed, under read (except the Bible), butt hurt and take no responsibility…for anything
In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church,
These people are un-american.
But, here we are.
Letter from a Christian Citizen: A Response to Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris
Full of straw-man arguments. Easy to see through.
Fuck him and all of his followers.
This is the underpinning of so much of their worldview and it's so easy to discredit.
I will not be controlled by this doctrine. Lived it, moved away from home, never going back.
When he starts hearing God in his head, there will be problems...
Forming a church around that kink is a whole other thing.
Nobody that attends this church should be secretary of defense.
I’ll bet he’s got some felonies in his past…
Not a religion.
Just a building promoting domination of women.
King of the Incels ?
A truly civilised person rise well above their animal instincts even those involved in maintaining the species by giving birth to their young.
(I have no idea , this is what my partner said. Reads the bible. Out of interest. ) Must admit, prefer this version of bible.
Correct me if I am wrong
Christ would walk away from these people.
Dunno, sounds to me like he's more into necrophilia.
Scary that these indoctrination institutions are still legal.
These men are really dangerous to women.
And other men. And kids. And American society in general.
"... We explore ways in which women are harmed, silenced and exploited within 8 different cults from their unique perspectives. The stories and wisdom were beautifully shared amongst survivors supporting each other..."
Those who can pleasure their women, do.
Those who can’t, write a book denouncing woke sex as an “egalitarian pleasuring party.”
Make a spectacle of the entire proceeding!
Damn this honorable tradition bullshit
That’s what got us here!
He has never experienced " egalitarian pleasuring "?
I almost feel sorry for him
The failure of the doomed to recognize that anyone outside of themselves is also an equal individual.
Some feel pity, feeling they are lost and misguided, but worth saving.
I do not. Eradicate this vermin.
Lowest: gay men.
Donald the delusional, one supports Pete, the drunk and disrespecter of women
Would love to talk to you Jenny privately, but you have no way to do that no DM