whoever decided that microsoft office products would now only save shit in whatever the fuck onedrive location which LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE MY DOCUMENTS FOLDER AND SAYS IT IS MY DOCUMENTS FOLDER BUT CANNOT BE ACCESSED VIA THE REGULAR FILE EXPLORER needs to go walk DIRECTLY INTO THE SEA
that’s office ‘95, baby
This is not to justify it, I should make clear.
I hate the Office “ribbon” with tons of useless bits, bobs & tabs. And because it’s my work PC I can’t adjust, disable or hide things.
That's where Windows is heading.
Our data is slowly becoming not private. Everything, including your kids photos, diary, school they go to...
And this is why people should go against this fully, right now.
We deal with a lot of daily, auto-generated reports that output into a Word/Excel file for minor changes before archiving them.
Due to the internal security requirements, I think that we would just move to editable PDFs instead.
Everyone who puts that in their software, into the sea too
I really should just use DropBox for this. *sigh*.
Oh, and agreed, MS Word blows, but I haven't found a satisfactory alternative 😕
Large files that I need to send to people go on the drive, but only until they've been seen by the person receiving.
Good luck finding anything thats been saved to OneDrive or Teams. 🤢
It used to be that Linux was complicated enough that my other work took too much effort. BUT... MS is making Windows less user friendly.
That from a family who has worked for MS (one or both of us) for ~25 years.
If I lose a file, my conscience will convince me I was never supposed to have it.
Security heads: "no you shouldn't"
Microsoft: "oh yes you fucking will"
Also companies: oh that file you wanted was uploaded by Bob, so when he left the company we deleted it
Teams: every fucking gif you upload for lolz is now a file stored in one folder. You can't delete any files that were uploaded by a colleague, so if you updated Megan's document, you better have been in it in Teams at the time or 2 versions will be in the folder forever
They'll concentrate on the ones they can induce to rent instead of own, and wait for us to die.