Let's look up the net worth of Franklin Graham and compare it to the Rev. Budde's net worth. That will tell you which one follows Jesus. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God". Matthew 19:24 and Mark 10:25.
Loving everyone (i.e., "your neighbor" in biblical terms as Franklin should know) includes LGBTQ+ ... so it is not a "sexual" agenda, it is a HUMAN BEING agenda.
Franklin Graham openly supports Trump, so it seems he has a sexual predator, and criminal-promoting agenda.
The Christian right are so obsessed about what everyone is getting up to in their bedrooms. Complete Pharisees. If they worried more about the rot in their own hearts and less about who was getting jiggy with who, they might be a lot less miserable.
His hero president is a proven sexual assailant who advocated grabbing women by their privates and bragged about walking around a teen pageant dressing room, yet he’s griping about some sort of “agenda” from others?
When Bishop Budde spoke, that devil in Donald Trump's trembled with fear, that's why MAGA Christian Franklin Graham had to come to defend President Felon.
These two "leaders of faith" obviously disagree on what The Bible is supposed to teach us about loving our neighbor and treating others as you would want to be treated. She had a duty to plead for empathy and compassion, just like Jesus would have done.
So says the guy who liked to watch his wife fork his pool boy and was compromised into giving up his "Christian" principals and support the equally compromised orange guy. Rich...
It seems like the only ones obsessed with which gender is screwing who, are the Republicans and Christian Nationalists. Sex is number one on their mind allllll the time, judging by how often they talk about it.
Franklin Graham openly supports Trump, so it seems he has a sexual predator, and criminal-promoting agenda.
Do you think he has his MAGAt pretend-Christiana’s attention?
(Southerners know the interpretation of this)