BREAKING: Joint press conference between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelenskyy has been canceled following clash in Oval Office meeting, White House officials say.


Democrats should be gathering any and all media they can, maybe even Zelenskyy as well and do their own press conference. Calling out Trump for all his non democratic, psychotic statements and state in from of everyone why our country has/should stand w Ukraine + democracy at all times.
YES!! This ☝🏼 Maybe
cc my congresswoman
Herr Frumpfs 2nd attempt to shake down Zelenskyy failed!!!!!
Frumpf is such a thug.
The most embarrassing excuse for a POTUS ever.
Bravo President Zelenskyy 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
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Changing your name to The White Network soon?
Almost like The #Trump administration planned this to make #Ukriane and #Zelenskyy look bad.
Trump is Putin‘s puppet and an absolute jerk off.
Imagine if Churchill was received this way by Roosevelt...
Somebody needs to remove and commit this deranged dictator. 🤬
Zelenskyy the best man in the room!!


Slava Ukraini
Trumps is used to servile yes-men; Zelensky isn't one.
That all for today’s season premiere of the “Shit Show”. 🤣🤣🤣
trump and vance are the sludge of humanity, america has been humiliated and marginalized in Western world. These two have jeopardized American influence in the world for decades to come
Following Trump’s dementia addled, traitorous, meltdown.
That’s the phrase you’re looking for you cowards.
Good Hero vs felon don’t mix
Trump got embarrassed on live TV! 😂
Trump is the one gambling with WW III. He’s completely responsible.
That was the weakest the USA has ever looked in modern times
America is now under the control of its arch nemesis Russia. All the hard won battles of the cold war were for nothing. America has lost and Russia didn't have to fire a shot.
Felon in Chief was an absolute disgrace.
Zelensky is a man of integrity and courage!
THIS is not making America great.

This was totally humiliating. Lacking any statemenship and dignity.
Too early for the 25th amendment?
With this prez, it’s never too early. But then we’d have nazi Vance leading us but it may be better than Musk/Trump.
Republicans: "I never thought it would be this bad."
Trump is just adding unnecessary fuel to the fire. He’s ultimately going to demand that Ukraine gives in to all Russian demands. Sad day for the Ukrainian people.
I’m so ashamed to be an American with these chucklefuck Nazis in the White House.
Of course it's cancelled. Trump and Vance looked so WEAK AND DISRESPECTFUL to another country's President. Putin must be laughing his ass off. He has Trump by the balls and knows it! What a sorry excuse for a "deal maker".
Imagine all the "adults in the room" that must have used up their chits to get Trump to have this meeting and then he blows it up anyway
And why did they feel the need to degrade Obama and Biden. Not at all necessary. He thinks that makes him a tough guy #butitmakeshimlookweek
Don’t sane wash this.

This was the Trump administration turning the American government away from our democratic allies and towards a brutal dictatorship in Russia.

The White House even invited Russia state media into the oval to witness it.
The President is failing. This is a total embarrassment for America. Childish. Can’t make it through a press conference without his pants falling down.
This was so staged. They purposely baited Zelenskyy so they can fully embrace Putin & abandon the EU. His cult views this as strength. Being a bully, embracing a dictator like Putin, is far from strength. This is so un-American! FDR, fighter of fascism, Reagan, Cold War warrior would be so ashamed!
I’m utterly disgusted to be an American under MAGA. Being on the wrong side of history is not Great.
And there are the true colours of tRump and Vance… fucking shameful. Say thank you!!!! I mean what the actual fuck!! If I was president Zelenskyy I’d tell them to fuckin ram it.
I’m an American and I support Zelenskyy and am embarrassed by our “President”.
Oh where oh where has our country gone? So very, very sad.
He got lots of great sound bites in for Fuex news and his followers. They will think he was so strong.
This is so bad. Break down of relations means only one thing.
Trump condemning Ukraine to Putin without help from the US is a defining moment of the 21st century. Either we do nothing & let Putin/Musk/ Trump, the Axis of Evil rule the world-or we rise up now, while we still can, without being arrested, or we’re their forever serfs. Who’s going to organize ?
Time to stop whining and start organizing NOW!
I agree. Where and when?
I stand with Ukraine.
No, I think the President of the United States Donald Trump is the one that’s gonna start World War III he’s going to give weapons to Russia and you know Russia doesn’t like the United States.
Observe and learn, true leadership!
At least in the Oval he got bullied, screamed at, gaslit, talked to like a child while sitting, no need for him to go through that same thing while standing. 🤬🤬
I'm with President Zelenskyy.
It's Trump that is gambling. He is a treasonous Nazi.
I would prefer Zelenskyy as my president. Trump and Vance yelling because they know they’re wrong
If Zelensky had raised his voice they would have shit their pants
But he is a professional and the people who lose control in diplo situations are losing.
Raising their voices shows how much they are losing.
And scared.
Coach fucker.
Good call, not a good look for the US today.
Trump is such a bully baby
Of course it's canceled. Krasnov wouldn't like the questions from the press about his deplorable behavior.
So embarrassing.

Trump and Vance are Putin’s pathetic puppets.
Wrong! It was a staged shakedown of Ukraine.

I was sickened by the administration’s behavior.
Trump and Vance are gangsters
Trump just drove Zelensky to the European Union & away from these divided states of Murica
The EU welcomes Ukraine after this show of incompetence of Trump don’t call it a clash. Call it what it is. Trump and Vance yelled at him, lied to him, and treated a guest like trash. Trump is Putin’s stooge.
Trump and Vance are an embarrassment. What THEY did to President Zelenskyy was disgusting.
Fuk T and that fascist regime. What an embarrassment to all Americans
The only gambler putting other people’s life at stake is Trump, the dictator without moral direction and delussional ideas
Should the United States return Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Southern California, Southern Nevada, and Southern Colorado to Mexico just like Ukraine is expected to turn over Crimea and Eastern Ukraine to Russia?
Ignoramus Trump and sniveling sidekick Vance bullying a hero who puts his life on the line every day is utterly despicable.
What an embarrassment!! Jd is so fucking ignorant on all aspects of his job. Amazingly stupid cuck!! Trump was just a bloated, whining twat. How embarrassing it is that that’s the best we have. America has fallen so far fast, we have zero decency in this shitstain of an administration. A joke
Zelensky needs to go after Trump & demolish him.
Putin sends his love to Trump.

Trump and Vance were trying to humiliate Zelensky.

America, you voted for Putin's b*tch!

Sad day for America. Embarrassing.
Dumb and dumber
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JDVance is a intellectual dumbass!
Do you mean the two juvenille kremlin stooges and the brave leader of the free world?
Trump, as ever, the asshole
They're trying to frame him as the bad guy and it backfired!!. He left and said fuck that minerals deal. Trump and vance are dirty cocks
I’m glad Zelensky stood up for Ukraine, himself, and frankly all of us who hate Trump.
In next 5 minutes, Trump may:
1 Start trade war
2 Say sentence with no known words
3 Declare war on close allie
4 Say he has "love affair" with psychopathic dictator
5 Crap his pants
6 Explain windmills cause cancer
7 Destroy more democracy
8 Say Arnold Palmer has big penis
9 Grab pussy or flag
Trump & Vance are liars & cowardly extortionists It was PUTIN who started war, & Trump just sees this as a way to get rare earth minerals in exchange for a "promise" of support. Insufferable Anerican bastards. Had I been Zelensky, I would have walked out while flipping Trump the bird 🖕#FuckTrump
Trump is a piece of shit. Vance is his rabid lap dog. Go have a 3way with putin....President Zelensky is more of a man, leader and patriot then the entire Republic party of ass kissers.