Here's an unsolicited plug for Josh Marshall's Talking Points Memo media site: I've started my day with since the G.W. Bush administration, relying on its deep political insight and dot connecting. Check it out, and consider becoming a member to support what it's doing so well:
Would recommend.
Big fan of your letters Heather!
Buffett calls tariffs "an act of war..."
Buffett calls tariffs "an act of war..."
TPM sounds too much like Democrat Corporation onanism.
It was decent when W was in office, now it’s a partisan rag.
But I do love Josh too!
Shoutout to Digby of Hullabaloo for keeping her blog going all these years as well.
Every day. Very important analysis. My morning starts with you and then TPM as soon as anything is posted. Critical mental health steps for me.
Yes TPM is also very at educating us all .