Trumfs cabinet net worth 383 billion. CEOs gather at the White House concerned about uncertainty. None of this represents the American population. Where is the invitation of the veterans teachers scientists? The indentured servants that keep America going? The emperor has no clothes. Resist.
We are weeks to months away from a recession. And Donald et. al. are already blaming it on Joe Biden. How that makes sense, only they know.
The Emperor Scrotus, is in decline. Its vocabulary shrinking, old Scrot talks only to stall for time; where I used to take it as out of disrespect, now I understand his word-salad answers are the last line of defense against a confusing and a frightening world.
He's completely bonkers.
Thanks for todays letter, cheered me right up. Call it what you will, dementia, Alzheimer's.. brain farts, aphasia-axapraxis, low-IQ terminal vacuity.. what? The loose lug nuts of Transient Global Amnesia.. huh?
He's just an old guy on a stick; a hand puppet for an idea.
Today will work out fine
House Republicans passed a rule preventing Congress from challenging Trump’s economic actions for the rest of 2025. They didn’t just "let it go too far"—they actively blocked their own ability to step in.
Yes, they fully passed the rule. In theory, Congress could pass another bill to undo it, but with the current House majority backing Trump, that’s highly unlikely. They chose to give up their power, and they won’t take it back unless Democrats gain control or Republicans are under severe pressure.
Thank you again for your excellent summaries. Apart from showing how awful things are, hope is beginning to show through. Ridicule is the best response right now.
I keep trying to understand how the magas are happy with all that is going on and I’m struck by fact that they are not in stock market to care about it crashing. Don’t understand recession?? All the things. Frustrated. Sad.
We're going to hell in a hand basket. "Unable to admit that he might be wrong, President Donald Trump is doubling down on the policies that are crashing the economy" HCR. This fact infuriates me. Trump gets away w/ every illicit and immoral thing he does. Why would he stop? Wake up America. #Resist
David I agree. Until you and I(we the people) decide we’ve had enough we can end this in a day. We’re alone and better band together now or it’s all over.
We all need to be calling every day to demand he & Vance & Musk get impeached, removed, & tried for treason, & they will probably have to take over & order the military to accomplish that since The U.S. Marshals & Secret Service are already compromised so severely...
Obviously, I mean if we impeach & remove Trump & Vance, that should take Musk with them, & the 3 of them should get tried for treason.
& What do you mean by all of us banding together if you expect us all to not use legal means & if you simply want to waste time splitting hairs over semantics?
He best not get away with those infuriating shenanigans of his high treason...
He would stop abusing only from others forcefully stopping him, same as any other toxic narcissistic abuser absolutely desperately dependent upon enabling.
The chaos and destruction are features to these jerks. They plan to pick up the collapsed companies for cheap, then profit when the economy is rebuilt. And chaos helps their power grab - uncertain (and fearful, hungry) people look for strong leaders -- or images of strong leaders.
The shear arrogance of Linda McMahon excusing her ignorance of basic policy and concepts well known to anyone who is in fact educated, as a learning curve on a new job.
Of course but he's violated it before and the Emoluments Clause + Logan Act and laws too. He's a convicted felon. After his first term he faced 88 criminal charges in 4 jurisdictions. And that was all before he had Presidential immunity. Seems the sky's the limit this term.
It is absolutely unreal to me how 2 people are able to cause so much destruction in such a short time and our reps are like, “idk man, I guess we’ll file a lawsuit.” Meanwhile everything is already broken.
the markets for capital are highly fickle. they have virtually no predictive value. what happens today or this week or this month means very little. taken together with other indicia, such as two quarters of decline, they can serve as illustrations, but not much more.
I think we need to view these wrecking ball policies towards our government agencies and commercial industries more broadly. They are trying to destroy everything so that a few ultra-wealthy can buy up the airlines, banks, energy companies, etc for pennies and create monopolies, citizens be damned.
If you are not yet following Heather Cox Richardson, I highly recommend her daily letters as well as all her re-posts from those highly respected and trusted sources that she follows. Reading her posts and re-posts provide an accurate accounting of the daily white house and congress chaos.
Why is he so obsessed with Greenland?
Like elno has any place declaring who is a traitor! 🙄
It was weird, maybe? But I got Gatsby ending vibes reading this one & wondered how soon we could hope to learn they were discovered floating in the pool. I hated that book. I'll be glad when this is done, too
I read your letters every day, even though the content these past six weeks is depressing, and every day I marvel at your stamina and reflect on how incredible you are for carrying on. It must be even more depressing to reflect on the day’s events and write about them. Thank you.
I always forward your letters to my three kids that are often very busy working.
It’s my way of keeping them up on things.
Once again… I suppose the best way to say it is… Thank you for your service!
I absolutely love your writings. I find your ‘ letters from an American ‘ to be the most comprehensive and accurate summation of the latest current events.
I look forward to reading them.
Thank you so much Heather🙏🙏
Sickening - the value of losses just casually mentioned on a daily basis - billions and in the 100s millions - like a plaything.
This has to stop.
Regard for what these transactions do to an economy is the savagery.
Couldn't sleep. Started reading last night's Letter around 5:30 am, then got up and made some breakfast. Came back and as I was reading - having forgotten *what* I was reading - I kept thinking Wow! This is really good! Who is this? I'm going to need to follow them ...
They don’t need Trump. They need “a” Trump.
Chaos actor, catalyst.
The self-coup continues. And as this is a product of cultural engineering & counter/insurgency frameworks, the outcome will be decided through - by - our narrative engines. Media.
Our only hope was that trump would get complacent/lazy and not touch a damn thing, and we'd be able to ride what remained of Biden's wave of progress...
But no. That was never going to actually happen 😢🤦
We have a multi/pronged democratic demolition happening. Project 2025 and The Heritage Foundation members ready to hit the ground running. Assisted by Musk+his band of delinquents cutting government agencies who were investigating him fist then going after the rest. And Putin's debt!
He is undoubtedly making money doing it, too, & not only for his damned self.
They are simply lying, denying it makes no sense: irrationally blaming. Trademark toxic narcissism at "work."
He's completely bonkers.
He's just an old guy on a stick; a hand puppet for an idea.
Today will work out fine
Demented, deranged & delusional, sure, but he is playing stupider & more oblivious than he actually is.
Can another bill possibly be passed to undo it this year?
The Russia/US axis only want talks with Ukraine for one thing:
to get Zelenskyy to stand down as a 'condition for peace' - so a puppet regime can be installed.
Europe will be alarmed, then crash, crash, crash
And when the victim wakes up tries to leave, they get angry and violent.
I'm also struck by his return to the glory days like an aging high school varsity football player who can't believe that he's not popular anymore.
Trump's raging toxic NPD is putridly disgusting & absolutely inexcusable.
& What do you mean by all of us banding together if you expect us all to not use legal means & if you simply want to waste time splitting hairs over semantics?
He would stop abusing only from others forcefully stopping him, same as any other toxic narcissistic abuser absolutely desperately dependent upon enabling.
Only, we need masses of people strong enough to take out the trash so we can all get to cleaning up this mess...
"The extreme unpredictability means that no one knows where or how to invest."
Seems like some inner-circle types _might_ know. Is there enough of a SEC still standing to look into this?
Like elno has any place declaring who is a traitor! 🙄
It was weird, maybe? But I got Gatsby ending vibes reading this one & wondered how soon we could hope to learn they were discovered floating in the pool. I hated that book. I'll be glad when this is done, too
But Baz's film of it sure was superbly entertaining & highly watchable
It’s my way of keeping them up on things.
Once again… I suppose the best way to say it is… Thank you for your service!
I look forward to reading them.
Thank you so much Heather🙏🙏
This has to stop.
Regard for what these transactions do to an economy is the savagery.
Chaos actor, catalyst.
The self-coup continues. And as this is a product of cultural engineering & counter/insurgency frameworks, the outcome will be decided through - by - our narrative engines. Media.
Our media is owned by the billionaires .
President Trump
But no. That was never going to actually happen 😢🤦
They wont win though. We wont let them.