It seems to me like trying to aid the overthrow of the government would be a violation of the oath of office, for which a person can be impeached. I'm not sure what would happen if he were impeached. GOP might fry him for being a D, but might save him for being a traitor.
Just what I was going to say. Every time they get a chance to end this madness 1 or 2 scuttle it by siding with Republicans. Some Dems have to be part of it.
Putin plays both side against each other, we have seen it here in europe
we're just not so arrogant here that we're unable to admit putin fooled us; romania , georgia, germany, UK, we're all admitting we have russian influence and fighting it.
#WhatTheFuckChuck Vote Yes and you are dead to me, my wallet slams shut, and so does my energy - no sign waving, no canvassing, no organizing.....DEMS step up to the plate. If you follow Chuck on this one, I'm out.
Beginning to accept that D’s are as compromised as R’s bc they sure as hell aren’t fighting
It’s biz as usual!
WTP need an Opposition Party and that ain’t the #Democraticparty
They’re the Don’t Rock The Boat bs Party
Schumer on explaining that a shutdown would give Trump & Musk & Vogt 100% control of every aspect of government, including closing the court system down. Schumer says Vogt & “those bastards” are “drooling” wanting a shutdown.
He may be right about. But it’s still a spineless give away to the Republicans.
Besides the fact that they already control 100% of the government. DOGE is running around like a bull in a china shop. Schumer has sat idly by this entire time.
Fact. Thats why we have the Supreme Court we do. The president we do. The Congress that we do. Mitch, as vile as he is, knows how to get things done. knows how to be walked all over.
I hear you. We're playing chess, not checkers... we have to win the war, not just one battle & give 34-felon an excuse to do something worse (matshal law?). We can't lose the midterms.
Stupidest move ever! Until there are consequences for voting Trump it will never end! We are f’d. Same continuous weakness. No fight in the dems. I’m out.
A yes vote on the CR from the house will embolden TRUMP/MUSK/PUTIN and cement their hold over congress. Capitulation is never the answer to a dictator. This very well maybe the only chance to make a stand, while they are still weak. A YES will only strengthen them and weaken congress.
The dems keep begging me for money and half of them aren’t even trying to fight for democracy and freedom or people’s rights. They can get bent. I’m done donating.
I support Schumer. This is not going to be a two week shut down. They may shut down the federal government for years, and dismantle everything. These are not normal times. Don't expect normal efforts to reverse a shut down. A shut down gives autocratic power to Musk and Trump. This is an emergency.
I think he fears for our elderly, & disabled, & those that can't help themselves. I don't think this comes from hate, it comes from fear for the people who can't help themselves.
Don't hate the man just because you disagree with him. He is thinking with his heart. We just want justice. I get it
Harry Dunn, you are a HERO! You endured what most of us cannot fathom! We love & honor you. Please stop, take a breath, & understand the deliberation of what is going on right now. Us old folks have seen many things in this lifetime. We are looking at everything going on around us.
Remember when everyone was pissed at Nancy Pelosi for not doing the knee jerk reaction for what all of us wanted to do? She was playing a BRILLIANT game of chess. She got the job done, & did it well. I'm not saying he's doing the same. I think he fears 47 will swoop in & cut off the vulnerable.
Yes she fuckin did. Don't compare her to all the dems, you sound like a MAGAt. You want to talk about SHILLS, look at your psycophant Republicans, they don't even have the guts to do a town hall meeting with their own constituents! The DEMS are doing it for them. You want FElon 47 to take over?🤔
He already has!! And for the last few decades the Dems have done NOTHING without asking the damned Republicans for permission first!! Even the ACA was a damned republican plan!! They capitulate time after time!! Keep "going high" keep getting kicked in the balls and taking it!!
I understand you, I understand your frustration. I'm trying to look at this from every angle. I'm trying to strategize with a clear mind. It's REALLY hard to do when evil has taken over a democracy that we have lived & grown up in, & our children have grown up in. All to be torn down from mobsters
I'm tired of these spineless cretins making promises and then compromising at the slightest hint of resistence! Eventually you have to see them for what they are! A Fake, Peformative, "resistance"! Only playing the part for the dollars from donors!! A fucking Con on the American people!
Any Democrat who votes for this disastrous gop budget is screwing millions of ppl for decades longer than a shut down would. needs to stop worrying ppl will be mad. Ppl are at maga/gop. Dems should tell ppl what was in it, why it would destroy lives & communities.
Is that worse than taking away their healthcare so they die because they can't afford medicine? Is there anything in the budget that provides food to anyone?
What do you think the budget does? 🐶 E is taking our data, not renewing anything, during thousands & already shutting it down. This budget will hurt Americans longer than a shut down. No one wants a shut down but MAGA is destroying the govt every day. They need to be stopped.
There needs to be a nationwide movement by grassroots to replace the Democratic Party leadership bc if they are too scared to fight for 75 million of us that voted for them ...they don't need to be our leaders. We The People have the Power if we unite n organize.
Primary Schumer's ass!! So few chances we will ever get a leverage against them, the first chance we get and they just drop dead...the f*ck is wrong with them! Hopeless!!!! F*ckin hopeless!!!
Democrats are cowards! There is no other word for them. But I guarantee you that they will be "brave" enough to send you that fundraising email tonight!
I was just thinking how McConnell enabled Trump.
Now Schumer is doing the same thing... He needs to listen to the people. Sen. Gillibrand is turncoat #3
1. The republicans in Congress launched this brinkmanship. 2. At least if the U.S. shutdown it couldn’t pay Musk’s companies either 3. Trump & musk are already doing whatever the hell they want to do-so how much worse does it get?
During a shutdown the president gets special powers and I think he's proven that he should not have special powers he's also shouldn't have any power I think he should be in jail.
Just emailed him to "Grow a spine or resign!" How about lots of us do that. He is a useless Senate Minority Leader when we nood someone with resolve and fight. Bill Clinton knew how to let the Gov't shut down and win his point.
Shutdown wld give Trump/Musk carte blanche 2 destroy vital government svcs at a significantly faster rate, he said. Some Dems have floated that they cld advance the bill in exchange for vote on their preferred alt, a 30day stopgap 2 make room to restart bipartisan spending talks.
Like holey moley. Are you kidding. He waits til the end of working day to stand up for stupid.
This is a slam dunk No. You are in a trap of two bad choices but one rubber stamps Musk Chaos.
You cannot give away the people’s purse to Musk minions.
I do t want a leader who is party over country like Mitch. I do want a leader who understands these unprecedented times and the need for fresh strategy- I don’t think that is Chuck.
You are letting us ALL down. We need someone who has a backbone and who will do the right thing for THE PEOPLE!! Get on the right side of history or get out!!
Hassan, Schatz (!), Fetterman, Cortez Masto, Gillibrand, Schumer, Durbin, Shaheen, Smith, Peters are the senators who are still Yes on cloture. Unless you somehow manage to peel 4 to 5 people off before the deadline, the GOP CR will pass tomorrow.
I'm so beside myself, you give up the one advantage you have. So, I do not want to hear the words out of Sen Schumer's mouth of what kind of threat trump represents ever again. If he is the threat being claimed, you'd use any and all tools to stop him.
Chuck cannot lead. It makes me sick to my stomach that the morally bankrupt turtle McConnell understood how to hold the line and be more effective as a Minority Leader than $2 Chuck could manage whether Dems were in the Minority or Majority. Can we please have Elizabeth Warren leading Senate Dems?
Where is his fighting spirit? It seems nonexistent. We need young blood to take on the battle. Schumer needs to be replaced as well ad Fetterman who should have stayed in rehab until his brain returned to normal. And I’m not even going to start on the other dem enablers!
Like always House Democrats and Senate Democrats give up easy and fast no matter if Trump or GOP Rape, Kill or Burn them and their family in front of them, they put their tails under their assess and help GOP & Dictator Trump Destroy USA, all of them need to be Vote Out!
I would hope Harry Reed would have made sure he wrangled enough of his fellow senators into unity. Then he would have told republicans they’d better negotiate or go tell the American people why the party with the majority in all three houses can’t keep the govt open.
So angry that Schumer caved to Trump!! I have been calling my Senators daily asking for a NO Vote and now Schumer flips! Trump will always do what he wants.
Voting NO was a message to all of us that we are on the side of Democracy.
Angry at the Democratic Party.
He doesn’t give a shit about anyone else.
Pelosi has disappeared.
Democrats have been betrayed
we're just not so arrogant here that we're unable to admit putin fooled us; romania , georgia, germany, UK, we're all admitting we have russian influence and fighting it.
Moscow Mitch filibustered his own bill once! Show just an ounce of fucking spine Chucky boy.
It’s biz as usual!
WTP need an Opposition Party and that ain’t the #Democraticparty
They’re the Don’t Rock The Boat bs Party
Besides the fact that they already control 100% of the government. DOGE is running around like a bull in a china shop. Schumer has sat idly by this entire time.
We need these dinosaurs out of government.
IF #Democratic Senators DO NOT Vote Down This #MAGAGOP CR, Then #SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump WILL SAY, "And Now I Own The Democrats too, Schumer!"
"High Horse On A High Road"
IS NOT The Right Course For #America Right Now!
🇺🇸 🗽
falls flat!
And now trump has announced intention to fire 18K more! They WILL continue but with the funding WE give them to do it!
No, !!
V o t e No‼️
Just NO‼️😵💫
The dems keep begging me for money and half of them aren’t even trying to fight for democracy and freedom or people’s rights. They can get bent. I’m done donating.
This only legitimizes Trump's actions.
Don't hate the man just because you disagree with him. He is thinking with his heart. We just want justice. I get it
(202) 224-6542
GOP will always fill them with spite and fantasy wish lists because they know Dems will always vote for them
This is not NORMAL!
Close down govt = no courts open to shut down trump.
CR is the better of 2 evils.
Make sense now? I hope so.
Courts are not safe under the CR.
Please share for all folks in #Baltimore Chuck Schumer will be at the main branch of Enoch Pratt on Monday March 17, 2025 at 7pm.
(202) 224-6542
Now Schumer is doing the same thing... He needs to listen to the people. Sen. Gillibrand is turncoat #3
He has to go!
They Don't Really Care About Us !
Chuck Schumer's right
F Musk
They're all throwing working class Americans under the bus.
Schumer knows this. He knows Trump/Musk own this shutdown but he's giving in for his sake, not ours!
(202) 224-6542 Senate
(518) 431-4070 Albany
(607) 772-6792 Binghamton
(716) 846-4111 Buffalo
(631) 753-0978 Melville
(212) 486-4430 NYC
(914) 734-1532 Peekskill
(585) 263-5866 Rochester
(315) 423-5471 Syracuse
It’s time for you to step aside 🤔
You should be a hard NO on this!
Another unfortunate terrible move. Unforgivable.
NYers is this what you want?
People, if you have doubts about your senator, it's worth it to call them.
on Trump's desk.
Shut it down!
This is a slam dunk No. You are in a trap of two bad choices but one rubber stamps Musk Chaos.
You cannot give away the people’s purse to Musk minions.
Honest question. Are you on Putins payroll??
You are letting us ALL down. We need someone who has a backbone and who will do the right thing for THE PEOPLE!! Get on the right side of history or get out!!
Democrats lose because they capitulate. Schumer must step down & be replaced with a fighter otherwise it’s all over for the democratic party.
I guess we know now our country is dead
Whatever the reason, schumer just sold us all out.
He has no more power after this vote.
The damage will be irreparable.
He needs to be replaced immediately!
We'd be better off with Amy Schumer at this point.
don't be a wimp
He’s gotta go!
Voting NO was a message to all of us that we are on the side of Democracy.
Angry at the Democratic Party.