You cannot intimidate our -- She's juggling a family AND this kind of ridiculous performative baloney. Please. I've never been more proud.
This is my first time seeing/hearing Mayor Wu and I like how she spoke up against “mad because he didn’t pick me for vp or cabinet position after I went to the Black communities for him”
b—n d—s.
C'mon up to Boston, Byron...maybe you can learn how grown ass adults live their lives. We are jaded, sarcastic and freezing cold for half the we don't have a lot of patience for charlatans like you.
I am disgusted with the bullying type of aggressive behavior that man had towards you. You stood your ground though! You are truly a refreshing force in this ugly game.
Well, criminal Byron Donalds would certainly know about crime, given that he's a drug dealer who plead no contest to passing bad checks. Mayor Wu wasn't putting up with that crook trying to shout over her.
Shero Mayor Wu, we all love you for your strength and brilliance, and for talking over bullies as it needs to be done! More power to you! Peace and love to you and yours!
Watching on NBC Chicago YouTube, I noted only pro-Republican comments. So, I wrote of my disgust at the smugness of those blissfully ignorant people who ran the hearing. I commented on their lack of manners and unwillingness to listen to the answers that they asked. My comment was instantly deleted.
Has YouTube been compromised? Or, is it NBC Chicago that has the power to delete my comment? I did another comment that didn't criticize, and it wasn't deleted (I deleted it myself later).
I watched it here:
Oh, it's cuz you're an antagonizing A-hole
b—n d—s.
"Our f-cking city" means ALL OF US.
I don't care where they came from, if people are in need here in Boston, we help them.
I watched it here: