With my first child, I had no idea what it was except I knew I went from fine to dying in 2 hours. It was so bad that my entire breast peeled off like it had been burned (which I guess it was - from the inside out). I lasted 3 mths with each of my 2 kids but had mastitis 4x each. My Dr said enough.
I did a lot of pumping to get through it, for some reason pumping hurt less than when she was nursing. I don’t know if it is actually true, but I was told the more milk I could express, by any means, the faster I would recover. Good luck!
yeah, the guidance has changed apparently in like the last two years and they now say not to pump/feed more than normal, but yeah I’m also finding expressing to be less painful than direct!
My youngest child is 25 years old, so I figured that they might have changed things. I still remember how much the mastitis I had one time hurt! I hope you are feeling better soon! Gentle hugs!
All whilst trying to care for a small person (or two). Vivid memories of sobbing in the shower because the antibiotics also made me vomit.
Sending all the good wishes
Sounds horrible.
Not interested in personally experiencing so no review possible.
Sending all the good wishes
So sorry
Feel better 🙏💕