It is interesting to see how grifters play off of people's desire to have a theoretical parent figure who is going to ride in and save them. Someone secretly working behind the scenes who can Stop All This. Grifts are always about wish fulfilment.
What I don't understand is, have these people ever heard of the "Fool me once, Fool me twice" thing. I mean it must be a never ending disappointment for them. I feel like somehow they have become desensitized to that.
Vonnegut has a character in Bluebeard say that what Americans want as President is a ‘just but frightening Daddy’ and here as always just means good to me but not to you
I genuinely think at the heart of this is an anti-democratic desire to not have to think; to not have to be active; to not be responsible. Liberals seem really prone to fantasising about some kind of judge who will come and tell thr conservatives off for breaking the rules. But it's just us.
I think this is true of most conspiracy theories too - the idea that there are secret, wise, capable people somehow in charge of everything is probably more comforting than recognising that the world is too complex and chaotic for anyone to control .
The conspiracy theory is an inevitable result of deficit model explanations that deny systemic and structural causes and insist that harm only ever comes from people who are inherently and immutably Bad/Other.
I'd say they exist in this framework but are located with the Other, rather than being unavoidable products of inhabiting a subjective frame of reference.
I think the best part of conspiracy theories is when you have to invent a malice for something that already has a real malice. For instance saying that they stole the election because Musk hacked the voting system when things like gerrymandering and racialized voter suppression exist.
#TrustThePlan and we will #MAGA and #KAGA! The
#WhiteHats will defeat the #DeepState and end the #DEI #DarkAg and uncover the #Tunnels under #Greenland where the #MoleChildren are kept.
This is an old one though, I remember doing the first year people were grifting that Robert Mueller was personally gonna storm the White House and cuff Trump.
I read once that in email scams, the typos and random caps are a kind of filter to help ensure that the only people reading and engaging are the kind to not notice details. No idea why they'd do it on Bluesky tho.
do you reckon he’s broken autocorrect to so “tRump” is what it suggests or he has to fight it every time - I’m not sure what option is funnier honestly
“always has been”
The death penalty, for espionage, being considered for consensus reality.
I take no pleasure in reporting this
[monkey’s paw curls]
#WhiteHats will defeat the #DeepState and end the #DEI #DarkAg and uncover the #Tunnels under #Greenland where the #MoleChildren are kept.