These self-identified Jesus-followers are celebrating the separation of parents from their children and spouses from one another; cheering families torn apart, lives violently uprooted, and human beings being terrorized at school and at work and at church.
Hungarian Jewish girl,
Marika Kundler from
her home.
Nazis deported her
to Auschwitz and
Nazis murdered her
in a gas chamber.
There must be a wall that is absolute between government and religion
Karma is a bitch on wheels - and most immigrants are going north! 😇
This regime is dictatorship cosplaying as a constitutional executive branch for the very short term.
Dictatorship is inherently absolute despotism which nullifies our contract with the Fed Gov.
Yep. They are full of it.
This book explains it all
They've raised up.
Like El Niño, a sign of the "end times".
Yahweh would absolutely have approved the above, disgusting and inhumane behaviour.
“If you are celebrating the effects of the mass deportations, then you are NOT a Christian. STOP PRETENDING YOU ARE.”
Or you very much are a Christian, and American Christianity has a deep-rooted problem.
Their God is a "god of humans." Non white people don't count.
Remember, they enshrined it in the Constitution: non whites only count as 3/5 of a human.
They are literally doing what they’ve always done.
I don't think many of them know what Jesus taught
The tribal following of policies has surpassed religious teachings, morality, and basic human decency. Compassion seems to be out of style so long as people can “win” an issue. Very sad.
The same can be said for those who repeatedly call themselves Christians, allies, or good guys.
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p.s. pro life is child marriage 😡
Leviticus 19:34 lots more I could post. And the 100+ about feeding the poor and hungry, healing the sick. But waste of time
America Christianity is gone.
It’s all MAGAt Christofascism now.
Try Unitarian. They actually practice what they preach.
I’ve only met three real Christian’s .
It’s hard work to live the teachings of jesus.
Why most just don’t live up
'Enforcing 'Puritan' Whiteness'! Returning to the Confederacy!
These folks have hijacked the term 'Christianity' and are spewing hatred and division while hiding behind the cross!
PLEASE! Watch 'Bad Faith.' This documentary explains how right-wing Christian Nationalists have infiltrated our government. It's a cult!!
Education is always key!
Check out this thread. Christianity really was the driving force behind the obliteration of democracy.
Don’t forget during slavery there were versions of the Bible created that removed any parts that could lead to slaves revolting. Religion has always been used for evil.
pretend-christian’s hate.
Perhaps a Ken Blue book?
Until the majority says NO!
Not everyone is brave. There are those that stand behind a shield of one who is.
Alas, divine silence.
And people wonder why there are atheists.
America has never liked true Christianity. The idea of social justice and equality doesn't work when you're white, privileged, and let's face it, racist. The reason for so many variants, Scientology, Mormons, LDS etal and on and on.
(you know this; do better!)
Religion is pure evil to me!!
They’re not Christians, they’re cosplaying
He said it all in the sermon on the mount.
Best speech ever.
I sometimes mix it up with Michelle Obama’s
They can all leave together.
I would like to challenge your narrative a bit.
Faith in religion forces you to border immorality due to the concept of SINS.
In order to continue to be in the Church, you must support the narrative.
I used to be a "Cafeteria Catholic."
Not very Christ like.
Sounds kinda nazi. 🤔
And the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?” Acts 19:15