Chuck Schumer is caving to Trump and the Republicans.
He is a weak man who is not the leader needed for these moments.
It's a disgrace and the Dems need to get rid of him if they ever hope to win an election again.
He is a weak man who is not the leader needed for these moments.
It's a disgrace and the Dems need to get rid of him if they ever hope to win an election again.
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Who pays for these new jobs?
The taxpayer, of course. So nothing changes - other than power has gone to states.
Peoples Republic of Texas anyone?
Secession, southern states & friends too?
Wake up.
I am wondering what the least bad course of action is, now that we're here. Some people who understand the deep crisis we're in have argued a shutdown would close the courts, and the government might never reopen.
I understand the deference issue but we have a practical emergency going on so I'm not sure it's obvious which way helps us more.
- Michael Corleone to Tom Hagen
more evidence that Citizens United is just legalized corruption.
money has completely destroyed our politics.
do you think 1M phone calls to chuck will have more influence than the money he gets from tech bros? wrong again.
John Roberts' fault.
And adding propaganda to boost the story-line is SOOOO Republican-like.....
People are getting their jobs back…
GOV shutdown means no
eyes & ears &
no documentation-of what, where and when. Shutdown gives executive ALL the power.
That fraud is bluffing. They NEED this shut to do further damage.
It’s not caving -
it’s preserving.