They will, if they have special needs kids. They will also notice loss of CHIPS, free low income lunch program, SNAP, Meals on Wheels. IMO, this added poverty/struggle “will” enrage them. It’s what trump needs, civil unrest, to support martial law. He no longer needs MAGA. No more GOP town halls…
Of course Trump wants to destroy public education;
Educated people question. They push back. They want answers to critical questions. They want to know WHY you are doing what you are doing, and if it's nonsense, they'll tell you it's nonsense.
It’s just what they want ,to ensure no child can go to a university and they will be forced to work in Musk ,Bezos,etc. sweat shops . Dismantle primary education,no chance for a kid to go to college
Trump just heroically saved America by gutting the Department of Education, because nothing says “smart policy” like firing experts, axing civil rights, and letting Elon’s bots run the classroom. Bravo, genius.
Arent they the very people that screamed when they couldn’t send their kids to school during the pandemic? Nobody’s whining about the mental health of their children now! I hope they know that Red State schools will feel this the worst
Mao Zedong once launched the "Cultural Revolution" in China for the sake of dictatorship.
He closed all university education, arrested teachers, and sent junior high school students and above to the countryside for labor reform.
Retired elem teacher. I saw this coming when vouchers were introduced. Quality education will be for those who can afford it. Awful and sad. So many will be left behind, especially those in real need. What absolute folly. I will gladly provide lessons if any are interested.
His base are the broligarchs. His constituents are three: himself, Putin, musk. All of them They want the rest of the country as uneducated as possible. And worse.
Not right away. But when their Title I schools lose funding, their kid’s free/reduced lunch is no longer subsidized, and their kids with disabilities don’t get the services they need, they sure as hell are gonna notice.
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Educated people question. They push back. They want answers to critical questions. They want to know WHY you are doing what you are doing, and if it's nonsense, they'll tell you it's nonsense.
Trump doesn't want those kinds of people around.
In Trumpland, intelligence is extinct
Get rid of the last few critical thinkers and the Republican plan will be complete
Mao Zedong once launched the "Cultural Revolution" in China for the sake of dictatorship.
He closed all university education, arrested teachers, and sent junior high school students and above to the countryside for labor reform.
f-ck all those special needs kids.
where does the money for their services come from?
Power depends on an
Alls I's needs ta kno is what's writ in da bible.