If the U.S. betrayal of Ukraine undermines a Ukrainian spring- summer offensive it wouldn't be the first time. Where would we be now had Biden not dragged his feet in 2022 and 2023? Why did it take so long to fix the pause in support from the U.S. last spring? The U.S. never wanted Ukraine to win.
The question is why Obama's and Biden's did.
Wouldn’t surprise me if the deep rooted propaganda of those regimes - that Ukrainians are second rate people - have paved the way for accepting another genocide attempt.
He ran the US help to Ukraine considering half of his population didn't want to as demonstrated but four more years would have bankrupted Russia.
Political analyst, my arse. Next time, don't push for the unknown. Go celebrate that Sullivan is gone straight to hell.
equally to blame
Do I have that right? Cause that's really fucking stupid if I do.