If a colleague yelling “Booo!” Is too much for you as our 250-year-old democracy is torn down in less than 60 days, you need to step down and get out of the way. It’s really too important to take the stance of “that was against decorum”. Especially considering what went on during Biden’s speeches.
🇺🇸 📣Any Democrats telling us to Stand Down like Hakeem Jeffries Is doing r Outing Themselves as Fake Democrats!!
Republicans have been funding Fake Democrats for 100 yrs covertly creating a One Party System! It's a total RICO fraud on Americans!
We need Millions protesters in the streets!
This should have been the easiest vote they'll take this year. Do you support your colleague standing up to Trump or not? This party's circular firing squad approach has to stop.
At least according to the CNN article I read yesterday, the Dem leadership decided specifically to *not* whip against the measure. Which ... holy hell, what is wrong with these people?
Republicans have been funding Fake Democrats for 100 yrs covertly creating a One Party System! It's a total RICO fraud on Americans!
We need Millions protesters in the streets!
he shouldn't lead if he can't show unity behind someone ACTUALLY resisting
if you guys can't even do this you really should just throw yourselves into shackles and jump into the Potomac