He resigned, but you have a point, too. He essentially resigned from the 118th, so can it just not apply to the 119th and he just gets sworn in? My guess is the report gets leaked if he opts for that.
His resignation letter (24 second video of it being read in Congress: https://youtu.be/2Qb8EM4aKhw) says he does "not intend to take the oath of office for the same office in the 119th Congress".
Release the reports!!! Doesn't matter if he's no longer in the running. He's still going to keep his seat in the House in January. Which then puts the Ethics committee relevant again according to tRumps Little Johnson
One thing I've learned in the last decade is, that most all "sighs of relief" are often temporary and thus shortly fallowed by an, "oh fuck, this is even worse".
Please, to the universe moving forward, prove me wrong over and over again!
He fulfilled his role as a major distraction. What were the Maga doing behind our backs while everyone went ape shit over his appointment. So many distractions being hurled by orange mud pie, stay on point peeps
All this means is that Trump will put in another lackey that is just as evil, and Gaetz will probably become an under-secretary in DoJ, not requiring confirmation, and will still do all the damage he would have done anyway.
Of course, he did. There was never any chance that the Trump team picked him for any reason other than to gaslight the fools that follow what the miscreants say or do.
He'll make DeSatans appoint Don Jr. to Gaetz house seat. Wait and see. Lara trump will get rubios, then trump will fire rubio. Florida will be the kingdom of trump, disney will be their LARP on the weekends.
I really hate conservatives' talking point that their goals are noble and patriotic when, in reality, they're not.
I especially hate their "Save America" slogan. It's an old rallying cry of the right, and I find it laughable, considering that it's the GOP turning us into a fascist dystopia.
Well, that’s one sexual offender-nominee down, only two more to go - at least as far as we know at the moment. Given Trump’s history, we can probably expect more in the future.
My guess: The people on his side were like "We can't afford the optics of suppressing this report if you're on the front page drawing attention to it."
Good! However, this sadly means he'll just run for his House seat again in the special election. Either that or DeSantis could pick him to fill Marco Rubio's senate seat
I don’t think this was ever the intention - Gaetz and Trump knew he’d never be confirmed; this whole thing was to give Gaetz an excuse to resign from Congress, then withdraw the AG nom to prevent any reason for Ethics to release the report.
Must have been a very constructive meeting. So much so, even Matt understood after having it explained to him in an age-appropriate way one of his girlfriends would have it explained.
Wondering if they made a deal with his, withdraw and we will sink the investigation.. because if he signs on in the next district,it should restart the investigation.
The accurate part of his statement is it was a distraction. It was meant to keep Trump on the media's lips. Trump has used this tactic for nine years. He says or does one outrageous thing after another to keep the news focused on him. Good or bad, it doesn't matter, it's meant to be exhausting.
My guess they’ll find another position for him where he’s not such a distraction.
you’re gonna need congressional approval and you don’t have the votes”🎶
Please, to the universe moving forward, prove me wrong over and over again!
This country will be saved when he and his family have zero control and influence in any public office and the MAGA movement shrivels and expires.
Ted Cruz is available. He holds a law degree and he was knee deep plotting the Insurrection. That could seal the deal.
Cuz is also the most hated Senator in his own party.
I especially hate their "Save America" slogan. It's an old rallying cry of the right, and I find it laughable, considering that it's the GOP turning us into a fascist dystopia.
He should be in jail, but at least he's not going to be in government. Baby steps.
He ‘quit’ to avoid hearings about his pee dough habits.
The AG thing was a joke all along. He was always going to “withdraw” his name.
Rubio is not great but he has been on Senate intel. Competent
No givebacks.
i fucked up and should've never resigned from congress-
my daddy would've gave me a pardon.
I should've thought this out better.
So will he now want his job back?
But his excuse for leaving? 🤣