Trump will ignore the FBI findings as he did during his first term. Will the Senate even get the findings for their confirmation hearings? Will there even be confirmation hearings, or will Trump appoint interim acting directors or use Recess appointments?
When a branch abdicates its role, and refuses to hold another accountable, nothing matters.
The faces of America
To the entire world!
Shameful, I’m embarrassed!
I had to jump though more hoops just to work at a private company that had fed contract, that I wasn't working on.
Most appointments were “acting” for a reason. And, with no expiration date.
Again, he found a way to game the system. He’s a fvcking criminal folks.
Also Joe!!!
Need to make executive order that acting officials only expected to serve on appointment by a president SHALL NOT be given security clearances above what they hold going in. You can't pass, no clearance!
When will he stop breathing???
With his sidekick Chris Wray??
He’s got Tommy Tubs on his side.
That should help
The rot will only be uncovered in history books
So, Patel: maybe don't close the Hoover bldg & send everyone in there out to chase criminals. 💁
Together we can do so much to make a dent
they can't spend it, if we don't give it to them...
Let corporate pay for America!
But, as I say, whatever it takes.
Never have we been so vulnerable.
Call up your representatives and call for impeachment.
There were no findings when T nominated a rapist to the Supreme Court.
We don't need no stinking badges. I mean findings.
No - Will the Senate even get the findings
Maybe - Will there even be confirmation hearings
Yes - will Trump appoint interim acting directors
Yes - use Recess appointments?
C’mon, Dark Brandon! Play hardball!
Make Biden #DeclassifyTrump, so we can force the Congress to #ImpeachTrumpNow.
1) Of course they won't,
2) Of course he will.
Bet Trump’s legal team (who have turned water into wine so far) are diligently researching an end around to the Biden’s upcoming pardonpalooza.
They’re not building those retention camps for nothing
wink wink
(concentration camps)
If Trump complies with the law they're unlikely, but how likely is it he'll comply with the law? Draw your own conclusions.