Love this guy. He appeared on the Mueller, She Wrote podcast in 2018. Hell of an activist.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
well done,
..."only another word for POLITICAL POWER AND SUPREMACY. These will be merely acts of usurpation, and will deserve to be treated as such."
We are 100s of millions. Resist.
Are you ready?
They have tanks. They fly helis over our houses with flir. They called it a “war on drugs”. Have you ever seen a drug shoot a gun?
Please don’t say you supported it.
She's so pathetic.
They were going to stomp the fuck out of him, & they'll do the same to you & claim you resisted arrest, interfered w/ an officer, or even assaulted one. Listen to Aunt Azu, now.
Al Prazolam.
Be like Chris!
And I did 27 years in a LEA. Idk how.
The damn world has spun off its axis
Peaceful Disobedience.
Good Trouble.
His remarks were SO on target.
I HOPE they made a dent in the minds of that group.
If WE, as a country, do NOT take action, do NOT speak up, do NOT protest when we see an injustice, we enable that to continue.
And we didn’t become a great country by ignoring injustices.
Not necessary when some one is totally compliant and not resisting.
Emboldened to over react with cameras on..
What would have occurred if no news coverage?
When you need to show the boss you are impersonating the power of the authority.
I preach the teachings of Luigi.
I am unapologetically Luigist.
thanks to everyone who took the time to read this. I am starting this fundraiser to help my kids to evacuate
Gaza. My best wife Leena tragically passed away on September, 21st 2021, and left her 1-week old daughter and 2 other children behind
Do they think themselves heros? Do they think they saved anybody from anything but ideas?
Takes 3 of them. Running.
What a bunch of bozos! 🙄
Chris has a surplus.
Thank you,
Thank God he's wasn't Black or Brown..would've been tased or shot dead on spot
If it goes on display, I plan to pay a visit.
#WakeTFUp #YourCountryNeedsYou #AmericaisBeingRapedandPillaged #DOSOMETHING
Zero warning, no attempt at de-escalation, just use of force.
Guy's 100% complying, they 100% KNOW he's complying, and still 3 cops pounce and wrestle him to the ground. Tells you where their hearts lie and what they really think of civil liberties.
USA --> UHsdiaA
#TripleThreat: #TimeSpace #Cost #Scope
Wait till 1,000s of us take to the streets