Mike Johnson and Elon Musk are gathering up your personal information to sell overseas while blaming you for fraud against social security.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Mike Johnson on Elon Musk: "We meet late into the night in his office and we've looked at that. What he's finding with his algorithms crawling through the data of Social Security system is enormous amounts of fraud, waste, and abuse."
Problem: now that everything is going down the drain, people are waking up.
You can say to late, but in the end it will be the GOP’s utter demise, in 2 years.
What do you expect from a ketamine attic and why is a 50-year-old man hanging out with boys?
I am past done with anyone, anywhere saying this shit without Proof!! 😡😒
Want to save a lot? Cut the grants to Musk?
All of the data that was once held secure and with trusted sources is now completely suspect.
Any numbers that come out of federal agencies at this point might as well be fiction on a level with Stalin’s five-year plans
*Not willing to trust "Big Balls".
Look in the mirror.
Show the abuse!!!
They didn't wake up when we voiced our opinions so now they will take on the world?
So many completely innocent people are going to be hurt by their ideology-driven incompetence.
The GOP are now doing foreign enemies work.
Dumb ass
COTS AI should not be in the gov’t intranet. WTF
We have already seen evidence of mistaken fraud due to faulty analysis, and as an experienced software developer, I strongly suspect Musk's algorithms.
Rushed half-baked impressions is not real evidence.
Civil war has began in the state of Washington !!!!
24 deaths and 130 casualties.
The fucking Dow Jones DOWN at -10 000 !!!!
Odious. Simply odious.
Why is it they don't backup what they claim?? Hmm!
And Muskrat
Never is the correct answer.
The only thing that MAGA has going for it is that old adage, “You can’t argue with stupid.”
I’m sensing that there are a lot of non-MAGA Trump voters out there finally starting to see it.
Oh look, they've found this year's three-word-slogan.
Simplistic understandings of the world require simplistic thought-terminating-cliches so their voters won't think about what's really going on.
Show us their work, otherwise, they're just LYING.
Then there's the possibility of not being allowed to work anymore, anyway, because I'm a woman.
WTAF, America?!?!?
*This is NOT intended to incite violence against said sniveling fuck. It’s just an observation.
He hit the mega-jackpot of data scraping for his AI of an entire Country worth of databases he can now cross reference & link.
He owns America’s data.
Republicans are truly amoral. Evil. Criminal. I mean, Social Security for chrissake!
on my nerves.
I just want to bitch slap him and shout at him to STFU loosing sack of shit