Sadly, that's exactly what the World did at the end of WWII in the race for nuclear power and better ways of murdering each other. The problem with not dealing fully with an infestation is that it bides its time and then re-emerges.
Pretty sure they are humans. Inhumane, yes. Despicable wastes of their humanity and human potential, yes. But they aren't space-aliens or less than human because of their bullying and hate.
Humans can be and are frequently awful, mean, vicious and nasty. But that is quite human.
A peculiar philosopher said: "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you"
To me it means "I won't do what they do. That is monstrous."
Yes and we need to figure out how to get out of this alternate time line right now. In the other Universe we are all thriving with Kamala as President.
apparently my Uncle had a Nazi flag, which had been captured by his father during his WWII service. It was never on display, just stashed in a box somewhere. My mom used to say "I wouldn't want that thing in my house, It's cursed!" and she was right!
And my late uncle became a Nazi & was displaying his flag inside of his house in FL, mortifying his family! Embarrassment but you never know when one may show up.
Because that's what's important? People know what the graffiti was saying.There are actually Nazis in charge of the US, making gains here in the UK, across Europe, & you whinge the symbol of our enemy is a bit wrong. We know what a swastika is. No, I don't want to hear about its former meaning.
I prefer sincerely reformed and repentant ones. I know it's not true but I try to believe that no person is beyond redemption. I'm sure that some people just get sucked in like with any other cult, and I want them to have a safe escape path if they come to their senses.
my grandfather amazing caring loving person would agree as they tried to kill him, but he was much better at killing them than they were at killing him
This seems extreme, but it's not - it's like the intolerance of intolerance. (And of course ending Nazism is preferred to ending Nazis.)
It makes sense because there is a social contract that dictates people must not accept the destruction of one group by another. Acceptance threatens all.
I posted something similar in November. Tolerance is a social contract. Once someone violates the social contract they are not covered by it. Therefore their intolerance should not be tolerated.
Tolerance is a social contract you make to live in a society. There is no “chicken vs egg” argument here. If you are living in a society you’ve accepted the social contract to tolerate the people around you. If you become intolerant they do NOT have to tolerate you. Period.
It is not a moral standard, hence the confusion & circular arguments. Tolerance is not a moral value but a social one. Otherwise, people would not have developed communities.
Ok so the thing I have seen is LGBTQ doesn’t respect conservative Christianity so therefore I don’t have to respect them either. I see what you are saying tho.
The great push toward democracy in the fifties and sixties rode the tsunami of WWII. We thought we were supposed to eliminate fascism everywhere. Even in America. That wave crested about 1972, when white men began to get very very afraid of free and equal women.
Let me clarify: I’ve been pushing back with phone calls, letters, and petitions from the start. Now it’s at the I will take to the streets even though I’m a little old lady and things might get out of control level. Fortunately the nearest large city is Blue and such activity is pretty safe there.
That’s amazing! I’m certainly no revolutionary gatekeeper, I think I’m doing less than you are to be honest. I just wanted you to know that you are appreciated! I may have read too much into it, but I was mostly replying to the person who said “it took that long??“.
Today, trump slapped a pink triangle, exactly like the Nazis made gay people in concentration camps wear, on an anti LGBTQ post. WAKE THE HELL UP AMERICA! Trump wants to kill so many of us, and so do republican voters.
Can you get one of those collapseable Billy Clubs like they have in the Uk? They could be worn discretely on your belt, so you can take them by surprise.
Professional revolutionaries. Legality never stood in the way of justice equality or equity. Rights are taken by any means necessary. People's revolution is the only way. It took lenin 30 years. Breaking all laws.The ends justify the means. No more empire
Don't trust the liberals they will betray you, V Lenin. Translation. Any liberals. Any democrats or any Republicans. Don't trust anyone who still supports anything about the empire in any way, shape, or form. I'm white hetero &male, but my comrades are not. Solidarity!
If anyone really wants to get a glimpse of who I am politically read or listen to this. Anti-imperialist Marxist feminist. Anti capitalist. Anti reformist. So check it out. Join the revolution.
I support & everything in the party program. I believe in global human rights& climate justice. I have no allegiance to any country or empire. I support no war but class war. No support at all for any imperialist policy of or votes for either party. No exceptions
You can't be anti fascist and pro American government. You can't be anti communist and not be fascist. Party for Socialism and Liberation & Claudia de la cruz. Helped organize this. AIPAC doesn't own unlike the democrats and Republicans.
So absolutely ridiculous we have to explicitly say this. I guess when your president rubs shoulders with holocaust deniers and fascist sympathizers it’s a new game we’re in. 🤦♂️😔💔
I am a reformed catholic. Can we please start putting pressure on the Catholic Church and bishoprics about JD Vance! Are his actions what best represent the catholic faith? Wwjd? It wouldn’t be what this asshole is doing! Call your local diocese! Put pressure on everyone! Don’t stay quiet!
Please remember, they now own the Justice Department. When they move to the phase where they look for ANY opportunity to charge those who oppose them with crimes, or just bury them in a legal quagmire - this post could be it. Yes, Resist! But be careful doing it!
When do we as a society get to begin eliminating the waste and ruin from our government? When will we be empowered as a nation to use kinetic means to literally destroy a n@z! clown when one shows itself? I can think of a few we see every day who need to be ‘remedied’ yesterday.
Alt text: A Nazi swastika symbol is overlaid with a bold white prohibition sign, breaking the swastika apart. Surrounding the symbol, text in capital letters reads, “ONLY GOOD NAZI IS A DEAD ONE.”
Ooh! Can you help? Can you see that picture? If you can, what would you put on for a description. How much description is enough? Too much? Too little?
In a case like this, think of keywords people may be blocking in an attempt to save their sanity, and use them. If you don’t, we have no way of preventing these kinds of photos from showing up in our feed.
Every Nazi, every Nazi sign, every comment, must be met with swift and violent action against those who would takeaway our personal rights and freedoms, and who try and change us into something we'll never be.
Apologies if my tongue in cheek humour triggered something for you. Never intend to cause offence but i suppose that is the risk if you put something risque/humorous out there. Its all subjective I suppose. Anyway I'm also sorry for the terrible experience you have obviously endured. Take care!
Thanks. For the record, I am fine, but our collective vernacular is steeped in normalized rape culture, so I speak up anytime I see it. A lot of people don't notice until it's pointed out.
Thx for "agreeing to disagree agreeably". We all collect different experiences on our journey some good + some bad. They form us + how we look at life and others. However we need to be able to talk and resolve our different outlooks. I will think a little more before posting. Take care! #StayStrong
Trump is such a hypocrite. He's threatening universities with cutting off their funding if they don't protect their Jewish students. Meanwhile, he's letting a Nazi run the government & loves his white supremacist supporters. He's a lying bigot.
Remember to tip your waitresses, folks. I'm here all week and try the Scalopini.
The antisemite who will surely see karma coming
Next up, catastrophic economic destruction, wider war in Europe, rising autocracy and racial hate.
That said, after fair trials, they should receive their justice.
If death, or prison, I call that just
Humans can be and are frequently awful, mean, vicious and nasty. But that is quite human.
Don't dehumanize.
A peculiar philosopher said: "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you"
To me it means "I won't do what they do. That is monstrous."
There are human monsters
I wonder if he knows his son still supports Trump?
You people need to go outside and touch grass or something..
Does the "magic" leak out if it isn't drawn correctly?
Punch Nazis when they aren't running away like little bitches.
The only Nazi flag should be a plain white banner, like the Confederate flag.
If I was Aldo Rayne, I'd carve 'em backwards to piss off the fuckers. Die mad, chuds.
I think this direction is for Earth, Air, Water and Fire, the four elements.
My thoughts exactly.
It's clear enough to understand the message.
Yes, I am swastika-Nazi 🤣
At least not yet.
(Mayor Pritzger taught me something about that scene recently)
just sayin
The thing he really achieved though, is to Nazify the USA. Now formally known as East-ruZZia.
It makes sense because there is a social contract that dictates people must not accept the destruction of one group by another. Acceptance threatens all.
How do you usually respond to it? Well have you heard it?
if someone acts like a nazi you ask them of they are one and if they apologize for nazis or say nazis werent that bad you punch them in the face
dont over think it
people used it extensively for warfare and personal protection
Black thorn is one of the hardest woods.
I have one— it would easily do the trick 🤍✌🏽
Professional revolutionaries. Legality never stood in the way of justice equality or equity. Rights are taken by any means necessary. People's revolution is the only way. It took lenin 30 years. Breaking all laws.The ends justify the means. No more empire
Don't trust the liberals they will betray you, V Lenin. Translation. Any liberals. Any democrats or any Republicans. Don't trust anyone who still supports anything about the empire in any way, shape, or form. I'm white hetero &male, but my comrades are not. Solidarity!
If anyone really wants to get a glimpse of who I am politically read or listen to this. Anti-imperialist Marxist feminist. Anti capitalist. Anti reformist. So check it out. Join the revolution.
Free palistine
I support & everything in the party program. I believe in global human rights& climate justice. I have no allegiance to any country or empire. I support no war but class war. No support at all for any imperialist policy of or votes for either party. No exceptions
You can't be anti fascist and pro American government. You can't be anti communist and not be fascist. Party for Socialism and Liberation & Claudia de la cruz. Helped organize this. AIPAC doesn't own unlike the democrats and Republicans.
Then call Iran and ask if they see it.
I volunteer to help disabled kids and adults enjoy sports. Literally ALL of them are on Medicaid.
The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the millions?
Power to the people!!
The ONLY way to handle Nazis.
on a growing List