Terrifying to see your government just ignoring the law - and even getting political support for it. We have seen that before in other countries. It never ends well.
The course need to find something around the US Marshals which they can do and there are plenty of them to enforce their court orders. And I would highly recommend that the courts give a final warning to those disobeying their orders that they will be arrested as well and held fully accountable
Where are our daily Articles of Impeachment? Introduce them every day every hour every committee every news cast ? Won't pass, but come on now.
Shit Id get a suit made of the Articles and wearing when in the Capitol.
Where is the Democrat Leadership (grain of salt rubbing in our open wound)
Every time that Trump defies a court order Pam Bondi is complicit. He cannot ignore the courts without her assistance. We will need a running log to keep up with their crimes.
Are we safe? Not only on orders to do with immigration. but if judges orders don’t matter then what laws matter? This goes far beyond immigration. They are testing the bounds of power they have.
Most Americans don’t grasp the gravity of our moment. They don’t see the fall of democracy as a real threat. It’s something foreign and the idea of the U.S. collapsing into authoritarianism seems unthinkable.
You guys can post all the videos and all the tweets and all the shit on TV. But it doesn't mean a thing if nobody does fuck all nothing about it. These people need to be arrested immediately a long with the tool you call your president
AG’s exactly right. Authoritarians eventually come for everyone because they need scapegoats to survive. Don’t think you’re safe cause you’re a citizen and white.
Does anybody remember learning about McCarthyism in school? A little before my time, but I remember being astonished that a person could point their finger at a neighbor and declare them a communist with no proof. This feels very similar.
"Come on man! We've been kicking the can down the road since the Nixon pardon. No accountability for Kent State, Contra, Bush/Cheney Cabal, January 6th and everything Trump has done. We don't do accountability! Flat out! Not our thing. We are Vandals!"
Arrest the pilots. They are the ones that continued the flights if they were informed of the court order. If the US Marshals refuse to arrest the pilots. Direct and empower officials to arrest the pilots AND the US Marshals that refused.
It isn't. It's an illegal assumption of power using a law that has specific conditions on when it can be used. Remember, 'In line with his 'official' capacity as president'. He swore to uphold the constitution and the law. This is very much outside his official capacity.
The article said the courts can appoint anyone to carry out their orders. I'm not sure they'll do anything about it. It's going to take a judge with the fortitude of Martin Luther King Jr. or Nelson Mandela.
The courts can appoint officers of the court and give them specific powers beyond normal law enforcement, if they wish to.
It's like HMRC officers here, directed by the court, can order police officers here to strip a premises to the supporting bare beams, if they wish to, to search for evaded cash.
Not an American lawyer and by no means an expert, but I imagine much would depend on what was communicated to whom, and precisely when. ie. it's entirely possible the pilots never knew anything about the court proceedings or the injunction, because ... (1/2)
(2/2) ... either somebody actively decided not to tell them, or there just wasn't enough time for the court's order to be communicated from the lawyers representing the government, through their professional clients at ICE, to whoever's job it would have been to tell the pilots to turn back.
If the judge is performing his functions properly, he'll require explanations (either by way of witness statement, or the responsible officials coming to court to explain what happened). At least, that's how it'd work in Australia and the UK, I assume it's similar in America.
I have personally been in the position of being the lawyer who has to explain to the judge why his order wasn't complied with and what happened. It is not a comfortable place to be - the court is (rightly) super-serious about such things, and as an officer of the court I am too.
Any surprise that they’re ignoring the Judge?? Orders and injunctions, etc don’t mean a thing to them. They do want they want, and dare anyone to fight them. At this point even being outvoted in an election won’t alter their behavior. Dems play by the rules and the GOP isn’t playing.
How many days has it been since Trump took office? Did he beat Hitlers record of overturning the Constitution in 53 days? Make no mistake. This is a lawless regime
The Trump regime has clearly shown that they do not obey or uphold the laws of our country. They smugly defy the law and dare anyone to stop them. So, we need to follow suit. The law says he has 4 years. No need to adhere to the laws so he needs to go now! NO 4 YEARS. YOU’RE FIRED!
And it started even before he was president before. What is the matter with people that they let him run, and then voted for him? And were some of the numbers fudged?
First, thank you for this update. Short, sweet, and important. Second, I hate that you have to include a section about why you should care about this. The injustice of it isn’t enough. Too many people have to see a personal risk before caring 😩
What was the determination for how many days it took Hitler to “end democracy” because saying nah to a court order for people’s constitutional rights seems fairly “end of democracy” ish
Well be happy with what you get then I guess. I happen to believe that there ara a lot of good ones. They need a leader and a plan. Things happened fast and I think they thought some of the gop would slow things down. Didn't happen. Time to band together and fight.
Nothing. Nothing will be done because the Democrats have no teeth. They refuse to attempt to go on offense or control the narrative. Schumer threatens to go along with them for crying out loud.
I get that part. But there’s never any pushback from Democrats. If we flipped it around Republicans would be all over it even though it would be a judge’s decision.
I read enough of a transcript of it that I don't think I could stomach watching it. Undescribable rage is all I can say. If Democrats don't replace him with a real fighter, and make the commitment to do everything they can to slow down and stop what's going on…
Nothing can be done, that doesn’t involve violence. They’re going to succeed in destroying everything they touch. We will have to recover and rebuild, someday. Honestly, we have a better chance if another country came to our rescue, but that’s not possible. We are a fucking Banana Republic.
If, like me, you had climbed into the sewer of the minds behind project 2025 you would have learned that simply ignoring judge’s rulings is part of the playbook. Bondi is there to bow and scrape before trump and act as if the law is whatever trump says it is.
Secretary Marco Rubio’s defiance of Chief Judge James Boasberg’s order strikes at the heart of judicial authority:
On March 15, 2025, Rubio deported 238 Venezuelans to an El Salvador forced labor camp, ignoring Boasberg’s directive to stop deportations without due process immediately.
If they’re allowed to do this because the planes were over international waters, what’s to stop them from committing heinous violations to international law moving forward?
This is bigger than domestic law at this point. Way bigger 🤬
Didn't Shitler say that body of water was the Gulf of Amerikkka??? So how is it international waters?? We can use their words against them. Come on people! #REVOLUTION
Crimes committed aboard aircraft are under a special jurisdiction & charges can be brought in any court selected by the FAA,not necessarily a favorable jurisdiction like the documents case. It is still against the law to disobey a court order. Will John Robert's defend the courts & rule of law
You are so right. The folks that allowed him to run for office started this snowball. We saw it coming. How to stop it? GET HIM OUT OF THERE! With no way to text or email anyone. With Musk, Vance, and MTG, Tuberville, Jordan, Boebert, and other co-conspirators.
How are you getting three minutes? Whenever try downloading anything more that one. It won’t finish the download? I get a banner at the top of my screen saying “downloads be max 60 seconds” Is there a setting? What am i missing?
the courts have to start sending deputies to arrest agency/department heads. you are accountable if you execute illegal orders. if they start getting arrested, perhaps others will think twice before acting.
The EO Trump issued allows him to deport any Venezuelan national over the age of 14 whom he deems to be associated with Tren de Aragua. No court hearing required.
Hold them in Contempt. After that stop playing nice. Start enforcing Court Orders. Judge needs to swear in civilian Marshall's and if they won't comply, arrest whomever is carrying it out. No more waiting to see what they do. Wanna bring it to a head might as well be now
*snorts* absolutely nothing.
“A felon can’t be president”
“Elon musk can sit in the white house. He wasn’t elected.”
lol the whole point is nothing is next until Dems like Schumer stop the decorum and “we have to stand in a line and take turns firing” archaic and calcified diplomatic tactics
"Trump and Rubio have defied a court order. So what’s next?" Basically what's next is "What you gonna do about it". The people of the United States through action or inaction elected a felon with a clear agenda to act as autocrat. I fear that's all she wrote.
He’s a dictator!! They don’t obey any laws! The US is now a lawless country ruled by a dictator! Welcome to 2025! You voted for this now deal with it! Canada & Mexico are dealing with him together!
Congress is being ignored, because the Executive branch is just slashing budgets without legislative approval. Now the Judicial branch is being flagrantly ignored after weeks of downplaying their authority. The administration has gone full into dictatorial territory, and I say that with no hyperbole
We are officially in a constitutional crisis, and it's only going to get worse. The more he does these things and gets away with them, even if only in part, the worse it's all going to get.
I think this is such an important issue. If he gets to get away with this, we will have no further recourse. He already has the Congress and the Executive. The only thing we have left is the Judicial process. Once that is lost, it's all lost. We must hold him accountable.
A horrible yet unsurprising outcome. They will keep pushing. They will take everything from us we let them. This will keep happening, and keep getting worse, until they are forced to comply.
Will the judges be willing to push this? To appoint officers to enforce their orders? We'd better hope so.
Most of MAGA voted these people in because they wanted to burn it down because they hate the system. Time for Dems to think big and get those independent voters back and NOT continue status quo. UBI! Free healthcare! Education bill/investment! Etc 47 lied to get the voters, we're speaking the truth!
The fact that Trump has exposed that there aren't any real consequences for presidential actions tells me that the presidency has actually been a dictator role all along.
A position that presidents in the past only willingly followed norms. No real tangible actual regulations or constraints.
Ummm nothing? Who’s going to follow through on “what’s next”? This is the new normal. They are going to completely shun the judicial. Anybody actually charged will be issued a pardon. We are very very screwed and people aren’t quite grasping this yet.
Unfortunately, probably nothing. If the judges won't uphold the law, then who will? If democrats continue this trend of sitting on their hands and claiming that they need to wait for their opportunity, then who will defend the rest of us who aren't MAGA? This is a systemic crisis now.
"Ooopsie" as a réponse just illustrates maga contempt for rule of law. They really believe the president has full and final authority, constitutional checks be damned.
What’s next? Well since the police won’t arrest them, democrats are complicit in the government takeover, and the military refuses to uphold their oaths—I guess that leaves only one thing left. Us.
In addition to everything on here, we need some more analysis of the doctrine of qualified immunity. Trump v. U.S. gives Trump immunity for "official" acts. It does not protect everyone else. So that case does not apply to everyone from JD Vance on down.
But they can claim qualified immunity from lawsuits. Qualified immunity is a legal doctrine that shields officials from lawsuits unless they violate clearly established law.
They lose qualified immunity if they intentionally violate a court order.
So predictable. This is how the Nazi regime took over to complete authoritarianism. Where are the guardrails to prevent fat orange from ignoring constitutional law?
If the courts have the courage. About ten years ago I discovered that out of 200 people only 35 had the courage to sign their name to a letter asking their boss to treat their colleagues fairly. Courage is not a common trait among humans.
Personally, I believe Marshal Service will not go rogue and AG is going to suffer some serious shit this next 6 months.
For instance, how many filings are thrown out as bogus? If all they are doing is using their power to illegally harass people, Courts I'm sure know they can summons and jail ppl
- Bondi called to testify, refuses, contempt warrant
- Bondi cases brought before a judge are halted
- Bondi continues rogue
- Pilots called to testify..
at some point, people begin to appear.. Bondi builds more enemies than friends..
A half dozen NYC bail bondmen can take care of this. May get Trump/Musk's hair mussed a little bit, tho. Bet u a dollar the Secret Service will stand down.
They've already done it, and received no consequences. USAID was a trial run. Sure, they got enjoined. But are workers working? checks being written? programs being run? No, none of the above. Workers were let in to collect their personal things. Programs remain stopped. Aid remains unsent.
When one co-equal branch flat out ignores another and has compromat on the third, what are we supposed to be doing here? What good is protests? they'll just send everyone to El Salvador regardless of status. Until states start arresting federal executive branch employees, nothing will change.
Question: The Hague is the seat of the ICC yes? And they do not have to abide by US laws. One of their major prosecutors was a man named "Jack Smith", am I correct in that? They can investigate anything, and put out warrants for arrest - being a signator just signified you will co-operate. Yes?
Did you misconstrue what I was asking here? I was seeking clarification of WHERE/HOW they operate - not asking for someone to "save" us. I was also asking if Smith was at one time affiliated with them. CLARIFICATION: Its what I ask for when I don't understand something. It's called LEARNING.
Trump is the law. That is what he is working towards. And unless the masses follow suit of Serbia and like countries, he will indeed be the only law of the US .
Exactly. He’s stated that himself and bondi are the only recognized law. Every court case for eternity (then Vance or whoever) he has the final say. Like his buddy Pootie does in Russia. He’s been mentoring him.
THIS is a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS. He’s purposely utilizing this with migrants…hoping no one will care…setting the precedent to do it again & again! He needs to go!
Two fold… getting rid of immigrants and testing the waters to get rid of other groups of people. Those who think calling him a Hitler is excessive are dangerous also.
he can't be. but anyone else can be. if courts send deputies to arrest all the agency heads, things will get interesting. he can't pardon civil offenses. with his temper, he'd lose his mind if arrests cause others to refuse to do his bidding. once he's laid bare, impeachment is much more likely.
I like your positive thinking. I am not holding my breath. Even our own Democratic leaders seem unable to confront him, what more lower down the ladder. And Blonde Ambition Bondi has shown she'll do anything for him.
I wouldn't say that I'm optimistic. I'm noting that the only thing they can and should do is this.
They're going to mess with SS and be so blatantly dictatorial that an uprising is coming. They won't stop without blood being shed. If the courts want to prevent that, they need to act.
And then he'll declare martial law. If only Chuck Schumer and those nine Senators hadn't been such cowards. But now, at least we know for sure that we cannot depend on Senate Democrats.
The Constitutions fatal flaw. The Executive controls DOJ who control the Marshals. So a Criminal Executive will have no Boundaries. In Tennis it’s called; Game. Set. Match.
I don’t think Vance would become President. Peter Thiel would probably find a way to install his choice if Trump had to leave (for whatever reason). These people have plans for almost every scenario, unlike Democrats.
Fair point. But Vance, I think is Thiel’s guy. Thiel lobbied for him to be VP. And given his relationship to the PayPal mafia, that’s not the half of it.
He’s so awful. I don’t know anyone who likes him. He comes off as a pompous, conceited, condescending, ASS! I don’t like how he talks about women. He’s a PHONY. I have never heard the man say anything positive about anyone or anything. In other words, J.D. Vance is LOATHSOME.
I know what 'should' be next, and I know things will be really bad if what 'that' is doesn't come. I don't anticipate the justice system to save us, but I do expect that it applies the law as it is supposed to.
Send in the police. Make a scene. If it doesn't work on the first attempt, then try again a little later by bringing more men. That's how they did it in South Korea.
Everyone is leaving one important point in their coverage. The agreement with El Salvador is also to detaim Americans not just migrants, or permanent residents, or visa holders. AMERICANS!!! We are ALL in danger.!!
Nothing. Nothing is what's next. They're going to keep doing this, more and more defiantly, until people end up in jail.
Their supreme leader has 34 felonies. It's a badge of honor for them to break the law by emulating him. The courts are just helping them collect merit badges. They laugh about it.
I am betting this will be something that will be talked about in the very near future:
The Uniform Code of Military Justice; specifies that service members are only required to obey “the LAWFUL orders of his/her superior.” Just ask Army Lt. William Calley.
Nothing. Trump will get away with it and @schumer.senate.gov @gallego.senate.gov @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social & @democrats.org will say nothing either. Live shot of Democrats:
Shit Id get a suit made of the Articles and wearing when in the Capitol.
Where is the Democrat Leadership (grain of salt rubbing in our open wound)
Most Americans don’t grasp the gravity of our moment. They don’t see the fall of democracy as a real threat. It’s something foreign and the idea of the U.S. collapsing into authoritarianism seems unthinkable.
Trump & ilk DON'T respect us.
They believe rights are things only THEY can give & take away. They want to push the left into drawing 1st 🩸 so THEY can claim superiority.
Also, the BSKY video audio plays while the screen is off!!!!! Yay!
Al Prazolam.
The SCOTUS gave Trump immunity from the law when carrying out official duties - which this most definitely is.
I don’t agree with it. I don’t like it. But fascists have cemented their power unilaterally.
Litigation winds up in front of his appointees, in front of his friends. If not today, it gets appealed to the Supreme Court.
His fascist buddies are firmly entrenched there, where the buck stops.
It was good while it lasted.
It's like HMRC officers here, directed by the court, can order police officers here to strip a premises to the supporting bare beams, if they wish to, to search for evaded cash.
The Repugnacans created this situation and the DIMocrats let it happen.
Are the White guys in the fancy uniforms up to the challenge now?
How long before it is too late?
The Socialist Program with Brian Becker: Lenin and the Path to Revolution [Part 1] of 3
Episode webpage: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesocialistprogram/episodes/Lenin-and-the-Path-to-Revolution-Part-1-e2imt54
Media file: https://anchor.fm/s/35d1dba4/podcast/play/85733988/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2024-3-22%2F59db84e1-a6a7-b372-afd6-bec991246e8b.mp3
The DOJ is anything but under Trump.
Bondi was appointed to run the DOJ like it's Trump's personal legal concierge service.
SCOTUS is deeply corrupt (but has upheld a few things here and there to give the illusion of "fairness").
The separation of powers is essentially dead.
Democratic representation doesn't want to break decorum
Put it on the back burner until January 2027. I’m sure he will have a bunch more impeachable offenses by then too.
Every day, forces me to add to the list of asshole acts these liars, cheats and traitors do to hurt this country.
Blue Collar Crimes huge difference
They aren’t listening to the courts. They are breaking the law.
Major uncharitableness.
And just when you think you have reached some kind of apogee something else happens and you find you can be even more furious!
On March 15, 2025, Rubio deported 238 Venezuelans to an El Salvador forced labor camp, ignoring Boasberg’s directive to stop deportations without due process immediately.
If they’re allowed to do this because the planes were over international waters, what’s to stop them from committing heinous violations to international law moving forward?
This is bigger than domestic law at this point. Way bigger 🤬
That’s what Trump is involved in.
No different from Slave Traders.
Constitutional crisis right now. This is exactly what the dumpster 🔥 wanted 🤬
The EO Trump issued allows him to deport any Venezuelan national over the age of 14 whom he deems to be associated with Tren de Aragua. No court hearing required.
Do you think they’re gonna check ID? 🧐
“A felon can’t be president”
“Elon musk can sit in the white house. He wasn’t elected.”
lol the whole point is nothing is next until Dems like Schumer stop the decorum and “we have to stand in a line and take turns firing” archaic and calcified diplomatic tactics
Will the judges be willing to push this? To appoint officers to enforce their orders? We'd better hope so.
Hope American Democracy wins in Court!!!
A position that presidents in the past only willingly followed norms. No real tangible actual regulations or constraints.
2. Nothing that really matters.
Racial profiling is part of the plan.
One example.
Whoever ordered the planes to NOT return or to take off need to be subpoenaed.
Pam Blondi needs to be subpoenaed.
ANY no-shows need to be arrested immediately. Clap them in irons and parade them into court. Defy the court, suffer the consequences.
They lose qualified immunity if they intentionally violate a court order.
Let's start suing the motherfuckers directly.
For instance, how many filings are thrown out as bogus? If all they are doing is using their power to illegally harass people, Courts I'm sure know they can summons and jail ppl
Court appoints private agent to arrest DOJ attorneys for civil contempt. Done.
Where is that person held?
How is it paid?
What happens when Trump mobilizes troops to free that person?
We're all still assuming some normalcy that may not exist.
- Bondi called to testify, refuses, contempt warrant
- Bondi cases brought before a judge are halted
- Bondi continues rogue
- Pilots called to testify..
at some point, people begin to appear.. Bondi builds more enemies than friends..
I don't think marshals go rogue
Every step of the way.
Or else it does win.
That's precisely why Trump and Hegseth went after senior JAG officers. Why the leadership change was forced with Joint Chiefs.
* (if, indeed, he ever had any)
It is a criminal fascist cult!
The future will be bloody!
They are not going to hire the ppl back or obey any court order they don't agree with.
There is not a realistic course of action with the ICC. We have to solve this internally.
They're going to mess with SS and be so blatantly dictatorial that an uprising is coming. They won't stop without blood being shed. If the courts want to prevent that, they need to act.
When we face challenging situations, our initial response is often negative.
By focusing on one positive thought each day, I cultivate stability.
With constant practice, this habit helps me stay steady, even in the toughest of times
Their supreme leader has 34 felonies. It's a badge of honor for them to break the law by emulating him. The courts are just helping them collect merit badges. They laugh about it.
The Uniform Code of Military Justice; specifies that service members are only required to obey “the LAWFUL orders of his/her superior.” Just ask Army Lt. William Calley.
Thabk you for keeping us updated in this fucking horror show.