Wish he had actually trashed the Starlink contract.
Also really wish we had ranked ballots instead of first past the post, so that maybe we didn't have him again - he's made comments about wanting to be premier forever and he wants to privatize our healthcare
Wish he weren't a liar and a thief. But yeah, without electoral reform we're pretty limited. Actu another big reason for UBI -- so many more people freed of fear for their basic survival, who knows what ideas, processes and goals we might explore.
If it were an actual liveable (not fancy) amount, it would be more than many disabled are getting, even without allowing for extra disability costs. But my real hope is more people able to muck in on the problems, maybe we get further actually opening up our society for everyone. Not this term, tho.
As a good Canadian 🇨🇦 I have been enraged at Doug Ford for years, maybe decades.
Now, to my utter astonishment and completely against my will, I'm all like, "GO DOUG FORD!!" 🇨🇦 🎉
The ridiculous folks of the r/conservative subreddit were attacking him and saying Trump should force Canada to elect conservatives before dropping the tariffs
Took a while before somebody pointed out this was DOUG FORD.
r/Conservative is an ouroboros eating its own ass on infinite loop right now to maintain the cognitive dissonance. It's...kind of incredible, actually.
I never thought I would be an fan of Ford or Liz Cheney but here are. Danielle Smith however, is still an insufferable, arrogant, self promoting, ass kissing, sell out.
And, how many staffers that takes? An ENORMOUS NUMBER OF STAFFERS.
Toronto knows because there were so many fewer staffers when he was a Toronto councillor. That gave us his out of the blue proposal for a Ferris Wheel and a mono rail at the waterfront that was summarily dismissed.
Wish he had actually trashed the Starlink contract.
Also really wish we had ranked ballots instead of first past the post, so that maybe we didn't have him again - he's made comments about wanting to be premier forever and he wants to privatize our healthcare
It might cause me to lose my extended coverage as a disabled dependent, but the benefit to so many people would be amazing.
Have seen way too many people struggle with bills vs food costs 😔
Now, to my utter astonishment and completely against my will, I'm all like, "GO DOUG FORD!!" 🇨🇦 🎉
If he could get away with it, he'd sell us for parts to his friends too. Oh wait, he has!
Took a while before somebody pointed out this was DOUG FORD.
Those were the good ol’ days
Toronto knows because there were so many fewer staffers when he was a Toronto councillor. That gave us his out of the blue proposal for a Ferris Wheel and a mono rail at the waterfront that was summarily dismissed.