Hi everyone, The Onion is very briefly very on sale. It's 25% off, $75 for a year's worth of issues right to your door.
The paper is really good and the money will help us do a bunch of big, stupid shit we have planned in the near future. Subscribe!
The paper is really good and the money will help us do a bunch of big, stupid shit we have planned in the near future. Subscribe!
Probably the same reason all the tent protests disappeared on college campuses!
This is an article from 2021. What, the man can’t retire in peace without these hit jobs? Shameless.
The Onion is probably told to do it by their billionaire owners.
Not me the other guy.
who believes all "mocking or critical of a Democrat" things, are implicitly and automatically "pro Trump things"...
is the bane of the internet in general, and BlueSky in particular.
Their perspective is a pretty standard leftwing comedy one.
It’s been that way ever since. That and looking the other way on trump.
Shut up bot ass, fight me at a home depot.
Fucking stupid ass.
Beep Boop back home.
I would love a fuckass beat down.
$75 USD is currently $108 CAD and… that’s kind of on you guys (Americans, not all of the little shallots who do great work at The Onion).
Just tie it to the subscriber’s credit card or delivery address.
“We ship internationally.”
My very smart and very kind son bought me a subscription just this last Christmas. Can I guilt him into buying an extension for this upcoming holiday and get the discount or will I begin to get 2x envelopes each month for the next 8 months?
My dad had years of National Geographic issues stored away when I was growing up. I remember going through them at like 13 and seeing how amazing the 🌎 was.
I hope in 8 years my son goes through a collection (bushel?) of Onions to see how ridiculous it is too.